所在位置: 查字典英语网 >小学英语 > 小学英语同步练习 > 小学暑假作业 > 2015年Pep四年级英语第二册暑假作业卷


发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A听力部分 50分


( )1. A. beautiful B. nice C. expensive

( )2. A. farm B. art C. car

( )3. A. shorts B. shirt C. skirt

( )4. A. underground B. playground C. outside

( )5. A. windy B.cloudy C. snowy

( )6. A.animal B. apple C. circle

( )7. A. pretty B. potato C. pants

( )8. A. dinner B. dollar C. degree

( )9. A. how about B. how much C. how many

( )10.A. warm B. weather C. windy

II: 听音,从A.B.C中选出与你听到内容相符合的图片,听两遍。(15)


( )1: A:Its an orange. B: Its orange.

( )2: A: Yes,its the office. B: No, its the office.

( )3: A: Its 8 yuan. B: Theyre 8 yuan.

( )4: A: Its 6 oclock. B: Its time for dinner.

( )5: A: Its Monday. B: Its rainy today.

IV.听音,给图片标上正确的序号, 听两遍。(15)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


A: sunny B: rainy C: snowy D: cloudy E: windy

This is the weather report. It is ______ in Beijing. It is ______ in Shanghai.

It is _______ in Lhasa. It is _______ Harbin. It is ________ in Yichang. Thank you.


( ) 1: I get up at 7 oclock.

( ) 2: The art room is on the first floor.

( ) 3: There are 40 students in our classroom.

( ) 4: The sunglasses are 40 yuan. Theyre cheap.

( ) 5: My new sweater is red.

B 笔试部分50


( ) 1. A. carrot B. horse C. tomato

( ) 2. A. glove B. scarf C. music

( ) 3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. playground

( ) 4. A. shirt B. snowy C. windy

( ) 5. A. coat B.goat C. cow


( )1:---________ are your pants?

--- Eighty yuan.

A: How about B. How much C.How many

( )2. ---_______cows are there on the farm?

--- There are eighty.

A: Where B. How much C.How many

( )3. Its 12 oclock. Its time _______ lunch.

A. to B.for C. in

( )4.---- ______ shoes are these?

----- They are Mikes

A.Who B.Whos C.Whose

( ) 5. ----Whats the ________ like today?

---- Its windy.

A. weather B.time C. name.

( ) 6. The library is _____ the second floor.

A. on B. in C. under

( ) 7.---- Is that the computer room?

----- _____________.

A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it is.

( ) 8. ----- Do you have a ruler?

----- ____________.

A: Yes, I dont. B. No, I do. C: No, I dont.

( ) 9. ---- Is this your cap?

----- No, its not ______. Its Amys.

A. my B. mine C. mine cap

( ) 10. ---What is that?

--- _________.

A.Yes, its right. B. No, it isnt. C. Its a goat.


music them second pants expensive.

1:The computer room is on the __________ floor.

2: Its time for __________ class.

3: This umbrella is 50 dollars. Its ___________.

4: My _________ are too long.

5: These shoes are nice. Can I try _________ on?

IV.在 I I 栏中找出I 栏中问句的答语,将序号填在题前的括号里(15)


( ) 1. Is that the gym? A. They are Sarahs.

( ) 2. Whats the weather like today? B. There are five.

( ) 3. Whose socks are these? C. Yes, it is.

( ) 4. How many sheep are there

on the farm? D. Its on your bed.

( ) 5. Where is my skirt? E. Its rainy.


( ) They are 50 yuan.

( 1 ) Can I help you?

( ) They fit me. How much are they?

( ) Yes. I like those pants. Can I try them on?

( ) Ill take them.

( ) Sure. Here you are.


Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground. In this building, you can see the gym, the library and the art room. They are on the first floor. There are many story books and pictures in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on the second floor. Its big and clean. I like it.

( )1.There are _________ classrooms in my school.

A: thirty B: twenty C: thirteen

( )2: The playground is _______.

A: small B: not big C: big

( )3: The library is on the ________ floor.

A: first B: second C: third

( )4: There are many _______ in the library.

A: story books and comic books B: story books and Chinese books

C: pictures books and story books

( )5: I ______ my school.

A: dont like B. like C: hate(讨厌)


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