2009年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修6 Unit 3-5)-查字典英语网
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2009年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修6 Unit 3-5)

发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

2009年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修6 Unit 3-5)人教新课标版本

Unit 3 A healthy life


第一组:basic, pregnant, comprehension, cigarette, alcohol, chemist, female, stress, quit, perfect

1 __________ contain a kind of nicotine, which gets people addicted.

2 On some buses there are special seats for those __________ women.

3 Textile factories often employ more __________ than males.

4 Practice makes _________ is an English saying.

5 Peter __________ this job for a better one.

6 I never drink except for some low-- ___________ beer.

7 Things can easily go wrong when people work under __________.

8 I will get some medicine at the __________.

9 My knowledge of French is pretty ___________.

10 His behavior was completely beyond ___________.

第二组:production, eventually, needle, ashamed, manage, adolescent, mental, illegal, automatic, judgement

11 You should be __________ of yourself for telling such lies.

12 This book includes 20 stories of __________ boys and girls.

13 We can draw money from __________ teller machines (ATM) at any time instead of visiting a bank.

14 After six days of hard work the project was ___________ finished.

15 She showed a lack of __________ when she gave Tom the job.

16 This hospital treats those patients with __________ illness.

17 This new model mobile phone will be in ___________ by the end of the year.

18 It is ___________ to drive without a drivers license.

19 Thanks all the same. I can ___________ by myself.

20 Never share your___________ with anyone else when you inject drugs.



due to be addicted to be accustomed to decide on in spite of

take risks get into stand for remind of reach for do damage to


1 The flight was delayed _____________ the foggy weather.

2 We finally ____________ the matter after careful discussion.

3 Many kids easily ____________ the bad habit of playing computer games all day.

4 Workers are still busy with their work ____________ hot weather.

5 The old photo _________ me _________ my college days.

6 I __________ the EnglishChinese dictionary on the bookshelf but it was too high.

7 Since entry into high school I ___________ getting up early.

8 Never try drugs, otherwise you will ____________ them.

9 What does it ___________ in the last sentence?

10 To tell you the truth, I dont want to ____________.

11 Smoking ___________ peoples health.



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