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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. The officials soon realized that, __________, things would get worse.

A. unless dealt with it properly B. if not properly dealing with it

C. unless properly dealt with D. if dealt not properly with

2. what if we meet with a situation ___________ none of us are able to deal with?

A. where B. in which C. what D. that

3. The process of curing a disease is like a war _________ different soldiers fight against an enemy.

A. where B. when C. as D. while

4. I hold the view ___________ she stated was true.

A. that B. what C. that what D. which

5. Where have you been all day?

--We _________ some lovely children and we couldnt get away from them until it was dark.

A. met B. meet C. have met D. have been meeting

6. ___________ what to do, I decided to ask the teacher for advice.

A. knowing not B. Having not known C. Not knowing D. Not having known

7. You can hardly imagine the great trouble I took ____________ your house.

A. to find B. finding C. found D. having found

8. Now Ill present the facts __________.

A. on which to be based my opinion B. which to base my opinion on

C. upon which to base my opinion D. which to base my opinion upon

9. It cost me 30 yuan to get here.

--Well, it was crazy of you to take a taxi __________you would come by bus as well.

A. unless B. if C. when D. because

10. ___________ is no wonder that he passed the maths exam.

A. It B. There C. As D. Which

11. At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and ____ down to eat our picnic lunch.

A. sitting B. having sat C. to sit D. sat

12. Yesterday evening when going to the cinema I frequented, I went in a wrong direction ________.

A. somehow B. anyhow C. somewhat D. someway

13. Fiat _________ a tiny city car especially for Europes narrow, crowded streets.

A. explained B. tried C. settled D. launched

14. Nowadays in most hospitals, information records, for examples, of patients with the same illness, are _____ in the computer. A. made B. sent C. set D. kept

15. Will you __________ our pet dog while were on vacation?

--Well, that ought to be no problem.

A. keep an eye of B. keep an eye on C. have an eye for D. have an eye on

16. Bob used to be a lazy boy, but he is __________ doing his homework very seriously tonight.

A. setting out B. preparing for C. going about D. putting on

17. You _________ here all the way through the thick snow last night. There was nothing important.

--Yes, but I didnt know.

A. didnt need to come B. dont need to come C. neednt have come D. neednt come

18. Its important that enough money _________ for the project.

A. be collected B. must be collected C. was collected D. can be collected

19. Could I make a few remarks on the discussion? --Yes, of course you _________.

A. should B. must C. can D. could

20. Are you a teacher? --No, but I ________.

A. used to B. was used to C. used to be D. used to do

21. They keys were __________ to our neighbors during our absence.

A. given out B. given away C. given over D. given up

22. Was it near the white building, if I may ask, ____ Martin Luther King gave a speech I have a dream?

A. where B. that C. why D. in which

23. Did you come back early yesterday? --No, it was midnight ___________ I arrived home.

A. before B. after C. that D. when

24. I would appreciate __________ if you come to my grandmas birthday party and say Hello to her.

A. that B. it C. you D. her

25. Mr Brown has a strange way of writing. Here is a notice from him, but no clea ___of what he has written can be made at all.

A. explanation B. sense C. meaning D. idea

26. Since I dont like many vegetables, can I eat fruits every day instead __________ the nutrients I need?

A. to get B. of getting C. of to get D. of get

27. The skiers red clothes stood out clearly ___________ the snow.

A. in B. over C. above D. against

28. Having now ___________ 40, he feels that his football career is coming to an end.

A. gone B. turned C. become D. entered

29. Fully _____ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in the club.

A. attached B. occupied C. contributed D. devoted

30. Would you like to go to Paris with us next year?

--Id like to, but my mother ____________ that Im too young.

A. is against B. opposes C. objects D. explains

31. Jack, you play chess with Kate. --What! ___________ to play with her at chess? No.

A. I B. Me C. Mine D. My

32. Mr White, who comes from _____ European country, has formed ____ habit of attending _________ church on Sundays.

A. an; the B. a; the; C. an; the; a; a

33. Would you like __________ knife and fork, or would you rather use __________ chopsticks, sir?

A. the; the B. a; / the /

34. The chairman felt very angry because no notice was __________ of what he said at the meeting.

A. made B. taken C. done D. brought

35. Its getting dark earlier than before, isnt it?

--Yes, I think so. I see _________ is on already.

A. the streets light B. the light of the street C. the streets light D. the street light

36. Though its a challenging job, he did it ________ it took me.

A. one-third a time B. one-third time C. the one-third time D. one-third the time

37. The editor-in-chief asked me to write another article for them, ________ about how to prevent bird flu.

A. that B. one C. it D. what

38. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his writing that he felt ________ lonely.

A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but

39. The next day, the group of villagers had not gone very far ____ they entered a very narrow passage between two mountains.

A. after B. when C. until D. while

40. As we all know, ____ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.

A. normal B. general C. common D. regular

41. A short, thin man, __________ past middle age, visited the manager and applied for the job.

A. much B. well C. too D. highly

42. __________ you are familiar with the authors ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as possible.

A. Now B. Ever since C. So that D. As long as

43. The famous painting that is __________ so much praise can be seen in the museum.

A. with B. beyond C. without D. within

44. Helen, when you receive some e-mails, dont answer any e-mail ____ your private information, however official they look.

A. seeking B. asking C. requesting D. accepting

45. ______ is known to us is that the old doctor, for ______ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his late life.

A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose

46. I had hoped to catch the flight, but at length I found that I couldnt _________ it.

A. help B. make C. work D. want

47. Had it been at all possible, I would have gone to attend her in the hospital, but I ________ fully occupied last week.

A. was B. had been C. am D. have been

48. My English teacher insisted that the exercises ______ very difficult and that we ______ it carefully.

A. were; must finish B. be; finish C. were; finish D. be; finished

49. The ground is slippery. Hold on to the rope and dont _________.

A. put off B. turn up C. let go D. take apart

50. Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it. --_________.

A. Made it B. Got it C. Understood it D. Remembered it



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