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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


We know the kiss as a form of expressing affection(情感,喜爱)。 But long 1 it became it, it was customary in many countries to use it as a(n) 2 of respect. Some native Africans 3 the ground over which a chief(首领)has walkeD.Kissing the hand and foot has been a mark of respect from the 4 times. The early Romans kissed the mouth or eyes 5 a form of dignified(高贵的) greeting. One Roman emperor allowed his important nobles to kiss his lips, but the 6 important ones had to kiss his hands, and the 7 important ones were 8 allowed to kiss his feet!

Most likely the kiss as a form of affection can be traced back to primitive(上古的,原始的) times when a mother 9 fondle(爱抚) her child, just as a mother 10 today. It only remained for society to 11 this as a custom for expressing affection between arms. We have evidence(根据) that this was already the 12 by the time of the sixth century, but we can only suppose it was 13 long before that. The first 14 where the kiss became accepted in courtship(求婚) was in France. From France the kiss spread rapidly all over Europe. Russia, which loved to 15 the customs of France, soon adopted it. A kiss from the Tsar(沙皇) became 16 of the highest forms of recognition from the Crown. In time, the kiss became a part of courtship. 17 marriage customs developed, the kiss became a part of the 18 ceremony (典礼,仪式)。 Today we regard it as an expression of love and tenderness. 19 there are still many places in the world where the kiss is 20 of formal ceremonies and is intended to show respect.

1. A.after B.before C.until D.since

2. A.custom B.tradition C.expression D.affection

3. A.watch B.touch C.kiss D.greet

4. A.earliest B.latest C.longest D.eldest

5. A.of B.as C.for D.in

6. A.not B.little C.less D.least

7. A.last B.less C.most D.least

8. A.too B.also C.only D.ever

9. A.would B.could C.should D.will

10.A.would B.has C.doing D.does

11.A.express B.allow C.kiss D.accept

12.A.case B.event C.history D.evidence

13.A.expressed B.practised C.kissed D.discovered

14.A.city B.tribe(部落) C.society D.country

15.A.allow B.copy C.spread D.use

16.A.one B.it C.this D.that

17.A.Since B.Once C.While D.As

18.A.meeting B.greeting C.marrying D.wedding

19.A.And B.Thus C.But D.When

20.A.bit B.part C.some D.any



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