备战中考系列之完形填空(附解析) 第91期-查字典英语网
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备战中考系列之完形填空(附解析) 第91期

发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  When Susan got up this morning, it was a beautiful spring day. She saw (1)_____ clouds far away, but she didn’t think about them. She got her dog, spot, and put him in the car. Then she drove out into the country (3)_____ a picnic with her dog.

  An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned (4)______. Susan and Spot were warm from running, so they werent cold. Then when spot was playing with the ball, Susan saw snowflakes in the sky. She called to Spot, (5)_____ the picnic things and got back in the car. As she was driving home, the snow became (6)______. Soon all Susan could see was white all around (7)_____. The road became slippery and she had to drive very (8)______. Then, the car hit ice and it went around in circles. It went down a hill and finally stopped.

  Susan reached over for Spot. He was shaking, (9)_____ he was OK. She got her mobile phone and (10)______ help. At last, the police (11)_____ them. Next time Susan will (12)______ the weather report before going on a picnic.

  ( )1. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few

  ( )2. A. sends B. gets C. sent D. got

  ( )3. A. on B. for C. with D. in

  ( )4. A. warm B. hot C. cold D. foggy

  ( )5. A. picked up B. pick up C. picked D. pick

  ( )6. A. bigger and bigger B. thinner and thinner

  C. smaller and smaller D. heavier and heavier

  ( )7. A. him B. us C. her D. himself

  ( )8. A. slowly B. easily C. carelessly D. happily

  ( )9. A. and B. or C. but D. so

  ( )10.A. sent for B. asked for C. looked for D. answered for

  ( )11.A. saved B. save C. are saved D. were saved

  ( )12.A. hear from B. listen C. listen to D. hear


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