小升初英语复习回答问题 54道题-查字典英语网
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小升初英语复习回答问题 54道题

发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.Are you a teacher or a student?

  2. Are you in Class Three?

  3. Where are you now?

  4. Whats that in your hand?

  5. Whos your English teacher?

  6. Whos your Chinese teacher?

  7. Is your classroom big or small?

  8. Are you writing now?

  9. What can you do?

  10. Whats in your hand?

  11. Whats four plus eight?

  12. Whats the time?

  13. What are you?

  14. What is your fathers job?

  15. Which grade are you in?

  16. Do you have a bike?

  17. What colour are your school clothes?

  18. What colour is your hair?

  19. Is your English teacher a man or a woman?

  20. What colour do you like?

  21. Is your classroom clean?

  22. Whose watch is this?

  23. Can you see a clock on the wall?

  24. How do you do?

  25. How old are you?

  26. How are you?

  27. Can you spell your name?

  28. How many people are there in your family?

  29. How many students can you see in your classroom?

  30. Are you in Row Five?

  31. Is there a map on the wall?

  32. Do you like English ?

  33. Do you know the twins names?

  34. Where are you from?

  35. Can you write letters from A to Z?

  36. Can your father speak English?

  37. How old is your teacher?

  38. Where do you have lunch?

  39. Do you like animals?

  40. Who is on duty today?

  41. Are you on duty today?

  42. Can you play computer games?

  43. Can I have six eggs?

  44. How much is your bag?

  45. How much are the pencils?(34)

  46. Are you a new student?

  47. How about my bike?

  48. How can I get there?

  49. May I have your name?

  50. Which way shall I go?

  51. Can you sing in English?

  52. Whats this in English?

  53. May I come in?

  54. Can I go with you?


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