This is the touching moment a giraffe bid a sad farewell to a dying worker who had spent his entire adult life cleaning the animals enclosure at a Dutch zoo. 荷兰一动物园中上演了温情一幕:维修工终其一生都在动物园为动物们清理窝棚,在他即将离世之际,长颈鹿仿佛感受到了悲伤、献出给饲养员的告别之吻。
The 54-year-old maintenance worker, who has terminal cancer, asked that his hospital bed be wheeled into the giraffe enclosure at the zoo. 这位54岁的维修工已经癌症晚期,他请求把自己的病床带到动物园的长颈鹿生活区。
In a heartbreaking scene, one of the giraffes then approached the man, known only as Mario, and gave him a tender kiss goodbye. 在一幕感人的画面中,一只长颈鹿走进这位名叫马里奥的工人,然后送上了温柔的告别之吻。
(It was) a very special moment. You saw him beaming. 这一刻非常奇妙,你可以看见马里奥满脸笑容。
Mario, whos mentally disabled, then asked for a moment to say goodbye to his colleagues at the zoo, where he spent the vast majority of his adult life. 马里奥先天智力低于常人,他在动物园工作了大半生。当时他请求和动物园的同事告别。
It was very nice that we were able to work on the last wish of this man, Mr Veldboer said. Veldboer 先生说:我们很高兴能够通过我们的努力满足他的最后心愿。
The Ambulance Wish Foundation is a charity whose volunteers specialise in taking non-mobile terminally ill patients fulfill their dying wishes. 救护车许愿基金会是一个慈善组织,其志愿者专注于帮助疾病晚期、行动不便的病人实现最后的愿望。
The organization was founded in 2007 by Veldboer, who also drives the companys fleet of ambulances to take patients wherever they wish to go. 这一组织由Veldboer在2007年建立的,同时他还是基金会救护车车队的司机,载着病人到所有想去的地方。
Last year the charity took a terminally-ill 86-year-old man back to his farm in Holland, to say goodbye to his ponies. 去年,这一慈善组织曾帮助疾病晚期的86岁老人回到自己在荷兰的农场,和自己的小马告别。
上一篇: 来自辣妹的人生箴言:娱乐圈的生活导师
下一篇: 1杯牛奶的温暖
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