For every Bird a Nest --
Wherefore in timid quest
Some little Wren goes seeking round --
Wherefore when boughs are free --
Households in every tree --
Pilgrim be found?
Perhaps a home too high --
Ah Aristocracy!
The little Wren desires --
Perhaps of twig so fine --
Of twine een superfine,
Her pride aspires --
The Lark is not ashamed
To build upon the ground
Her modest house --
Yet who of all the throng
Dancing around the sun
Does so rejoice?
Women's congress aims to close income gap, lift status
Chinese arts travel the world
Chongqing finds opportunity selling motorcycles
Spain seeks time zone change
London mayor hails free trade, subway system during visit
Study finds 40 percent of parents happy with one child
Key economic indicators point to sound fundamentals, official says
Suspect taken into custody for online rumors
Shuttle bus makes time fly for Beijing commuters
Premier seeks talks over dispute
Typhoon kills 25 in Guangdong
US shooting leaves 13 dead
96 die in attacks across Iraq
Shanghai lines up new tram system
More foreigners get residency permits
Former mistresses are active online whistle-blowers
TEPCO suffers string of mishaps
Questions linger over gouged eyes incident
Xi offers support to overseas Chinese
US debt ceiling crisis continues
Market for English courses surges
Shanghai fest blooms with global arts
Nature's light show 'once-in-a-lifetime' trip
US trio wins Nobel chemistry prize
Weatherman with vision dies, age 98
Gunmen kill dozens of students in Nigeria
Smartphone shipments to soar
Breast cancer on the rise in China
30,000 turn out in Beijing Marathon