He forgot -- and I -- remembered --
Twas an everyday affair --
Long ago as Christ and Peter --
Warmed them at the Temple fire.
Thou wert with him -- quoth the Damsel?
No -- said Peter, twasnt me --
Jesus merely looked at Peter --
Could I do aught else -- to Thee?
儿童双语幽默小故事:渔夫和他的妻子The Fisherman and His Wife
儿童双语幽默小故事:一只口渴的狗The Thirsty Dog
儿童双语幽默小故事:去电影院Go to the Cinema
双语儿童寓言故事:三只狐狸Three Foxes
儿童双语幽默小故事:狼与鹤The Wolf and the Crane
儿童双语幽默小故事:狼来了Wolf Is Coming
双语儿童寓言故事:一个愚蠢的人 A Silly Man
儿童双语幽默小故事:我“聪明“的狗My “Clever” Dog
儿童双语幽默小故事:狼和狗The Wolf and the Dog
儿童双语幽默小故事:聪明的野兔A Clever Hare