关于The pop star Emmanuel Jal的英语阅读理解训练-查字典英语网
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关于The pop star Emmanuel Jal的英语阅读理解训练

发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Emmanuel Jal was eight when he was given a gun and trained to fight. By the time he was 13, he had been in two wars. Today, the former child soldier is becoming Kenyas hottest rap singer. (如今,昔日的孩子兵已经成为肯尼亚最炙手可热的rap歌手)His songs mix messages of peace with his personal stories.

When war reached Jals small village, the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (苏丹人民解放军)(SPLA) ordered children be sent to UN run(联合国管辖的) refugee camps (难民营) in Ethiopia.(埃塞俄比亚) The SPLA promised that the children would be fed and educated there. Seven-year-old Jal had little choice but to go to the crowded camps. He stayed in school there for only six months.

Then we were taken away from the camp to the bush for training, he says. The United Nations had no idea what was going on.(意为:联合国并不知道我们被训练去打仗) The SPLA was looking for new soldiers in the camps. The bigger boys were handed big weapons, but Jal could only manage a smal


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