Dont just look. observe. Dont just swallow, taste. Dont just sleep, dream. Dont just think, feel. Dont just exist, live. 别只是看看,要观察。别只是吞咽,要品尝。别只是睡觉,要有梦。别只是去想,要感觉。别只是生存,要生活。
The people experiencing the most pain tend to be the ones who are always trying to make others smile. 经历着最深的痛苦的人往往是那些总是逗别人开心的人。
Once youve lost fear, youve gained hope and found faith. 一旦你忘记了胆怯,你便赢得了希望,找到了信心。 Always remember a helping hand or kind words will cost you nothing but to the receiver it may be priceless. 顺手帮帮忙和说一些善意的话不需要花一分钱,但对于那些受惠的人来说,却是无价的。
There are 2 kinds of evil people: People who do evil stuff and people who see evil stuff being done and dont try to stop it. 世上有两种邪恶的人:一种是做坏事的,还有一种是看到有人做坏事也不加以制止的
。 Lazy rule: Cant reach it. Dont need it. 懒人法则:够不着,就不需要。
We all have a friend with a retarded laugh. 我们都有这样一个朋友,笑的时候永远慢半拍。
Do you ever type something really long and then delete it all because you realize no one actually cares? 你有没有打过很长的信息然后又删掉,因为你意识到没有人会真的在乎?
Strong women would cry but never give up. 坚强的女人是会哭,但绝对不会认输。
上一篇: 生活这样过:励志人生的10大关键词
下一篇: 不逼自己一把,你就不知道自己有多优秀