Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel survived the unthinkable at Auschwitz and went on to champion human rights. Here are 10 lessons from Elie that we can all use to make the most of the life we have. 诺贝尔和平奖得住埃利-威塞尔曾在奥斯维辛集中营中有过令人难以想象的经历。此后,他一直致力于维护人权的运动之中。以下十句名言都出自于他,深思这些话,我们的生活必会有所改变。
1. For me, every hour is grace. 1.对我来说,每一个小时都是恩赐。
2. Everything is possible. 2.万事皆有可能。
3. Every moment counts. Every second matters. 3.每一分每一秒都有意义。
4. Even in darkness, it is possible to create light. 4.即使在黑暗中,也能创造光明。
5. Whatever you do in life... think higher and feel deeper. 5.无论你在生活中做什么,都要想得更高远,做得更深入。
6. Life is not a fist. Life is an open hand waiting for some other hand to enter it. 6.生活不是紧握的拳头。生活是一只打开的手,等待着另一只手的到来。
7. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. 7.爱的反面不是恨,而是冷漠。
8. I define myself more by my questions than by my answers. 8.我更多地用问题来定义自己,而不是答案。
9. Every moment is a new beginning. 9.每一刻都是新的开始。
10. To me, friendship is like a religion. We couldnt live without it. 10.对我来说,友情就像宗教信仰一样不可或缺。
上一篇: 开心的活着犹如这是人间乐土
下一篇: The Oak Tree
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