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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

IMAGINE a world where you have 想象下你生活在这样一个世界

an endless number of ways to feel alive 可选择无数种方式生活

trillions of reasons to never be bored 有数万亿不无聊的理由

an infinite number of beautiful things to create 可以创造无限美好

already so many beautiful things to behold 已经拥有很多美好事物

7 billion crazy characters to play along with... 70亿形形色色的人们

As you know, this is your world. 正如你所知,每个人都有属于自己的世界。

Its filled with more potential for pleasure, love, glory, beauty and bliss than can be comprehended. 它充满了你能感知到的快乐、爱、荣耀和幸福。

It even surprises you with misfortune so you can experience the full range of your explosive emotions, and so the good things are that much sweeter. 它用不幸让你经历各种情绪的爆发,这样美好的事物能让你感到更幸福。

Even better, nothing great comes easily. You have thrilling hurdles to overcome around every corner in order to achieve greatness in this world. 更妙的是,万事来之不易。你要克服千难万阻,最终站在世界之巅。

The icing on the cake is that it doesnt go on forever. How special would anything be if you had an eternity to achieve it? How precious would life be? 就像蛋糕上的糖衣一样,幸福也不会永久。如果你能永生得到一切,万物之间还会有什么差别?你又会如何珍惜生活?

So please, stop taking life for granted. Instead, focus on being a force for love, for change, for questioning what is right, for re-questioning when you must, and for the diehard belief in the goodness of people. 因此,请不要把生活想得理所当然。努力去爱、去改变、寻找真理、必要时不断追问并始终坚信人性本善。


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