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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

我们总喜欢在谈及某事时说一些让人觉得是命中注定的玄乎事儿,用来坚定自己的信心(同时麻痹自己的理性),最终连自己都不得不信以为真也许正是这样的故事情结造就了不少情侣,也让很多人生活得更加幸福。其实如果你愿意相信,没有故事的故事也可以很动人在感情道路上更是如此,无论我们以怎样的方式相遇、相知、相爱,即便是平淡如水的爱情也能感人至深。 For the most part, my 1)aversion to online dating is about vanity. Simply put, I think that Im too attractive, too interesting and too young to need to subject myself to the trauma of courting on the Internet.


But theres another reason, too its that I love a story. One of my favorite parts of dating is a charming how we met anecdote. And Im sorry, but theres nothing charming about Harmony. So when someone I know admitted that part of getting over his first love meant realizing that hed been in love with the story the two of them met in the desert in Israel I immediately recognized my own experience.


Specifically, I recognized my Missed Connection. It was the Internet that brought us together, ironically, but there was plot. We made eye contact on a Brooklyn-bound train and then found one another through the Missed Connections page on Craigslist. I posted the ad, for the first time in my life, and he hadnt even heard of the site until reading about it in the Times Book Review two weeks prior.


On our first date, he unassumingly disclosed a critical mass of Ideal Boyfriend qualities: he was six footf ive and a lawyer for a labor union. He asked me questions and read the New Yorker. He had become an ordained minister online so that he could perform the weddings of both of his younger sisters.


He was so completely good natured that, initially, my attraction vanished. (I questioned my sexuality the way I had after the first time I kissed an attractive man and felt nothing only years later realizing it was because he was meek and unintelligent.) But the story of my Missed Connection was so compelling that I persevered, eventually convincing myself that I should probably marry him. When life plans pulled us apart after just three months of dating, I felt devastated. Recently, though, when our paths crossed briefly for beers and conversation, we had a great time but the chemistry wasnt there. I had to admit that, on some level, it never truly was.


Sometimes we encounter the opposite: We find the connection, but not the story. The other night I talked with a friend who is navigating an increasingly serious relationship. Outwardly creative and 14)liberal, she always anticipated that shed end up with someone similar. The man shes dating isnt: Hes clean-cut and has a conventional job. Hes right for her in deeper, more fundamental waysbut she admits its a struggle to accept that, superficially, hes not what she thought she wanted. He doesnt reflect the story she believed about herself.


No matter where we meet people on the subway or online all of us make up stories that reinforce notions of our relationships and ourselves. Its the way we make sense of the world: Im not sure any of us could survive without giving our lives some compelling plotlines. I certainly couldnt. But even as I do, I will try to remember that any connection Im lucky enough to find with someone is far more important than whatever story that connection might tell.


注1:eHarmony是美国最大的婚恋交友网站之一,由研究婚恋的心理学家尼尔克拉克瓦伦博士(Neil Clark Warren)在2000年8月22日创建于美国加利福尼亚州的帕萨迪纳,专门致力于单身男女配对,在美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和英国均有公司业务。

注2:a missed connection 指的是两人或多人之间无法交换或丢失了联系方式的情况,通常与爱情有关。

注3:Craigslist是由克雷格纽马克(Craig Newmark)于1995年在美国加州旧金山湾区地带创立的一个网上大型免费分类广告网站。其信息包括了求职招聘、房屋租赁买卖、二手产品交易、家政服务、地区活动指南及寻找罗曼史对象等,只在纽约、洛杉矶、华盛顿、波士顿、西雅图、圣地亚哥和旧金山的招聘广告中收取费用,其他所有的分类信息均为网友自发提供,不收取任何费用。


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