Every Woman Should Know
Every woman should know how to fall in love without losing herself
Every woman should know how she feels about having kids...
Every woman should know how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
每个女人都应该知道如何辞去一份工作,如何与一位恋人分手,如何与一位朋友发生冲突而 不致断送友情
Every woman should know when to try harder and when to walk away...
Every woman should know how to have a good time at a party shed never choose to attend...
Every woman should know how to ask for what she wants in a way that makes it most likely shell get it...
Every woman should know that she cant change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents...
Every woman should know that her childhood may not have been perfect... but its over...
Every woman should know what she would and wouldnt do for love or more...
Every woman should know how to live alone, even if she doesnt like it...
Every woman should know whom she can trust, whom she cant, and why she shouldnt take it personally...
Every woman should know where to go... be it to her best friends kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
每个女人都应该知道该去哪里 ??是去她最好朋友家里的厨房,还是去树林中那迷人的小木屋 ??当她的心灵需要抚慰的时候
Every woman should know what she can and cant accomplish in a day... a month... and a year...
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