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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Traveling the world and exploring new places can change your life. It exposes you to new cultures and can help shape your mindset. Without further ado, seven ways being a traveler can make you lead a happier, healthier life. 游览世界、探索新天地,可以改变你的生活。它使你有机会接触新文化,而且有助于你的思维模式的形成。简短的说,下面是旅行让你的生活更幸福、更健康的7个理由: 1. Improve Your Social Skills 提高社交能力 Meeting new people is one of the great upsides of traveling. Whether its chatting up your hostel roommate, making small talk with your seat-mate on a train or having a lively discussion at a local bar, you will be forced to improve your social skills (especially if youre traveling solo). If new situations tend to make you anxious, traveling is a sure way to take steps toward reducing that anxiety. 结识新朋友是旅行的好处之一。与旅馆室友交谈,和火车临座聊天,在一家当地酒吧加入热烈讨论,都能提高你的社交能力(尤其是单独出游时)。如果新局面往往导致你焦虑,毫无疑问,旅行能帮你缓解。

2. Reduce Stress 减轻压力 Taking time off is an obvious way to recharge and reduce stress levels. But while staying home and resting is a worthy use of your time off, traveling removes you from your everyday life and lets you truly escape. Traveling lets you put aside your daily responsibilities and focus on yourself for a moment. When you return home youll feel refreshed and have the motivation you felt drained of before you left. 恢复活力、降低压力水平的显著方法是抽出时间来放松。足不出户、养精蓄锐固然是个好办法,但旅行能将你从日常生活中解放出来,真正逃离。旅行让你撇开日常责任,暂时只专注自己。返回家中,你会精神抖擞,重新找回逝去的生活激情。

3. Accomplish Goals 实现目标 Having a travel to-do list and slowly crossing things off that list keeps you motivated and positive. That list can include things like visiting certain locations or accomplishing a feat such as climbing a mountain or becoming conversational in the language of your next destination. Achieving those goals also increases confidence and gives a sense of success. 列出旅行清单,做完一项划掉一项,保持你有目标有动力。清单中可以包括参观某地或完成某一壮举等,例如登上一座山或掌握下一目的地的方言。目标的实现还能增强你的信心,给你成就感。

4. Stay Fit 保持健康 Once you catch the adventure travel bug, youll never be the same. Lets say while traveling you get lured into taking a hike with beautiful panoramic views. You go, its not too strenuous and the experience takes your breath away. Now you want more -- harder hikes with even better pay off. While home, you exercise and prepare for more challenging hikes. Youre healthier and fitter than ever and you get to look forward to accomplishing new goals. 一旦旅行成瘾,你将不再默守成规。比如说,旅行时,沿途的美景使你不忍驻足。你一路走着,没有感觉到特别辛苦,这种体验反而美妙得让你吃惊。现在你渴望更多通向更好风景但更高难度的远足。回到家里,你锻炼身体,为更具挑战性的徒步旅行做身体准备。待身体更强健,你开始企盼征服新目标。

5. Become More Flexible 更强的适应性 Sometimes things dont go according to plan while traveling. Maybe your flight is cancelled or it rains the day youre scheduled to go on an epic outdoor adventure. Its okay -- there are other flights to take (or trains, or buses) and maybe on that rainy day youll discover a hidden bookstore to explore or an adorable cafe to experience. Traveling helps you be more flexible and open-minded, making you more zen in your everyday life. 有时旅行时事与愿违。航班可能被取消,或者你准备好做一次史诗级的户外探险时,雨却不期而至。还好你可以乘其它航班(火车或公交车),或许在那个下雨天,你意外发现一家值得光顾的隐蔽书店或一家惬意的咖啡馆。旅行让你豁达、随机应变,坦然面对日常生活中的挫折。

6. Become More Patient 更有耐心 Travel can involve a lot of waiting. Youll wait in lines. Youll wait for flights. Youll wait at restaurants. Learning how to cope with those waits, how to make conversation with those youre waiting with and how to stay calm in frustratingly slow situations will teach you how to remain patient and calm in all situations. 旅行时,等待是家常便饭。你不得不排队等待,等待航班,等待上菜。学会处理等待,学会和同时等待的人聊天,学会在慢得让人灰心的情形中保持平和心态,这些将教会你在各种情形中保持耐性、遇事不惊。

7. Have Better Relationships 有益于增进感情 Surveys have shown that couples who travel together report more intimate relationships. While travel cant make you have a good relationship, it can strengthen it. Being free of responsibilities like doing the dishes and walking the dog helps you relax together and focus on each other. 调查显示,一同出游的情侣关系更融洽。虽然旅行不能改善你的关系,但它至少可以巩固你的关系。不操心洗盘子、遛狗等家庭琐事,享受轻松时刻,眼里只有对方。


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