纽约地铁温情一幕 让他靠着我睡会吧-查字典英语网
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纽约地铁温情一幕 让他靠着我睡会吧

发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

This man has it. 这个男子让网友们深受感动。 When Isaac Theil let a sleepy stranger take a little catnap on his shoulder, it was because I simply remembered the times my own head would bop on someones shoulder because I was so tired after a long day, he recounted to Tova Ross of Tablet Magazine. 犹太裔男子以撒泰尔让一个陌生人靠在自己肩膀上睡了一觉。在接受Tablet 杂志采访时,他对记者陶瓦罗斯表示,自己这样做是因为我想起自己也常常在工作一天之后非常疲乏,不知不觉就把头靠在别人肩上睡着了。 Another subway rider was so struck by Theils nonchalant empathy that he snapped a picture and put it on Reddit, from which it was then posted to Facebook. 泰尔默不作声的感人举动让同在这节地铁车厢里的另一名乘客深受感动,他偷拍了一张照片上传到了资讯网站红迪网上,照片后来又被转发到了脸书上。 One redditor wrote, Heading home on the Q train yesterday when this young black guy nods off on the shoulder of a Jewish man. The man doesnt move a muscle, just lets him stay there. After a minute, I asked the man if he wanted me to wake the kid up, but he shook his head and responded, He must have had a long day, let him sleep. Weve all been there, right? 

上传照片的红迪网用户这样写道:昨天我乘坐地铁回家的时候,看见一个黑人青年靠在一个犹太人肩膀上睡着了。后者纹丝不动,就让他这样睡着。过了一会儿,我问那个犹太男子是否需要我把青年叫醒。这个犹太男子摇摇头说,他肯定是累了,让他睡吧。我们都有过这样的经历,不是吗? Theil himself has been completely surprised at the attention hes received for his small act of kindness, as the photo has been shared over 20,000 times on Facebook. 这张照片在脸书网上已经被分享了2万多次。泰尔本人也感到非常惊讶,他的小小善举为自己带来如此多的社会关注。 there is only one reason that I didnt move, and let him continue sleeping, and that has nothing to do with race. He was simply a human being who was exhausted, and I knew it and happened to be there and have a big shoulder to offer him. 我不叫醒他,让他继续睡的原因只有一个,这与种族无关。他仅仅是一个疲倦的普通人,我知道这一点,而且我碰巧在他旁边,有一个肩膀可以借他靠一靠,于是我就这样做了。 I would love for people to use this as a lesson to just be good to each other, Theil said to Tablet. 我希望人们都从这件事中学到去善待他人。泰尔对Tablet 杂志记者说。


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