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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Love is a funny thing. It urges us to do things wed never imagine possible. It is what make us open our hearts to another creature, and this trait doesnt belong to humans alone.


Sometimes animals form unusual bonds that bend our understanding of the wild kingdom.

Though they have a natural predator-prey relationship in the wild, one mama cat bucked her stomachs instinct and went with her hearts, nursing three abandoned ducklings along with her own kittens.


After the death of its mother, a baby chimpanzee was taken home by a zoo worker to provide the baby with care. Once there, the workers dog (who had just given birth) promptly took the chimp as one of her own.


This baby macaque was in a deep depression after being abandoned by his mother. But upon meeting a white pigeon in a Chinese animal sanctuary, his spirits returned, and the two are inseparable.


In a now famous story coming out of Africa, Themba the elephant was orphaned as a baby, leaving him in the care of the Sanbona wildlife reserve. There, he met Albert the sheep. After a rocky start, the two became fast friends. They spent so much time together that staff at the reserve realized that Albert was beginning to act like an elephant.


When a falconer at a British animal preserve brought home Shrek, a baby owl, for her own protection, he probably didnt count on his puppy Torque becoming a father. But thats just what happened. Now the duo roam the house and grounds as a pair. Apparently, they enjoy watching the BBC together.


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! It might seem like something out of Oz, but this is the normal state of affairs for Baloo (a bear), Leo (a lion) and Shere Khan (a tiger) living together in Noahs Ark, a Georgia animal rescue facility. Raised together by drug dealers who abused them, the animals formed a little family. When workers tried to separate them, they acted out until they were reunited.

将狮子、老虎、熊共处一室?天啊!肯定疯了吧。然而,在格鲁吉亚的动物救助站,这是很寻常的一幕:狮子Leo、熊Baloo和老虎Shere Khan舅住在一起。三个庞然大物在毒贩手里死里逃生以后,这三个家伙成为了一家人。工作人员最初是把他们分开的,但他们用行动表示不愿意分离,只好随了他们的意,将他们安排住在了一起。


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