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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Truman Capote once said, Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. That couldnt be any more accurate. Whatever you do in life, no matter how big or small, theres the opportunity to fail with every success and the opportunity to succeed with every failure. 杜鲁门.卡波尔曾经说过失败是成功的调味剂这个形容十分精确地描述了成功与失败的关系。在你的人生中,大大小小的成功的背后总会有失败的危险,而大大小小失败背后总是蕴含着成功的机会。 Everyone wants to be a success in their own way, but the fear of failure is often a limitation stopping many from achieving their full greatness. Failure can be outright devastating, so we attempt to avoid it at all costs. No one wants to fail, yet everyone fails sometimes. 每个人都想用自己的方式取得成功,然而对失败的恐惧总是牵绊住你走向成功的脚步。失败可以将一个人彻底摧毁掉,因此我们总是想避免一切有可能失败的因素。没有人愿意尝试失败,然而我们或多或少都有过失败的体验。

Fear is forever a part of our DNA, but learning how to take control of this emotion and make it work for you can be all the difference. 恐惧是人类基因里天生具有的特质。然而学会控制我们的恐惧情绪可以为我们的生活和工作服务,让我们的人生变得不同。

Six ways to battle your fears and fuel your success : 六条法则让你克服恐惧走向成功 1. Step out of your comfort zone once a week, whether at the office, in your social life or in your community. 1.每周试着走出一次你熟悉的社交圈。 2. Sit back and think about what is at the root of your fear, since its often something deeper than whats on the surface. Identifying your actual fear is a step closer to understanding how to deal with it. 2. 静下来想一想你恐惧的根源在哪里,你惧怕它是不是有更深层的原因. 找到这个原因你就可以更容易的找到克服它的方法。 3. When your fear becomes a stress, then it is time to step back and relax. Go on a walk, take a vacation, open a book and remove yourself from your everyday life to help refresh yourself. 3. 当你的恐惧已经成为你的压力的时候,不妨放下所有的事放松一下。你可以出去走走、给自己放个假、或是静静的看下书。这些方法都能让你思维更清晰。 4. Get help from your support system by talking about and exploring your fear. This support system can be family, friends, community members, a co-worker or a therapist. 4. 找人倾诉的心理恐惧的东西是个很好的方法。你可以找朋友、家人、同事或是心理理疗师聊一聊你的心结。 5. Take comfort in your abilities, past success and your strengths because theyll always outweigh your fear of failure. It all depends on a positive outlook. 5. 对你自己的能力充满信心,想想你过去的成功都是建立在在战胜恐惧失败的心理的基础上的得到。乐观的心态很重要。 6. Look at fear as an opportunity for greatness, using it to identify your problems and better understand how they can be solved. 将你的恐惧看做一个通往成功的工具,用它来找到你的问题所在,然后解决掉这个问题。 Taking risks is a sign of the confidence thats required to reach your own definition of success. Confidence is in everyone at different levels, and will present itself in ways unique to each individual. It just needs to be ignited. 敢于冒险是你对自己有信心的表现,也是通往成功所必备的条件之一。每个人对自信的定义是不一样的,所以每个人自信的表现新式也不一样。但自信是需要被鼓励的。 Confidence is crucial to success because helps bolster your skills, values and talents to their highest levels, no matter the task. A person interviewing for a job with fewer qualifications, but who is confident, will almost always beat out the person interviewing for the same role with better qualifications and low confidence in his or her abilities. 自信在通往成功的路上极其重要,因为自由自信,才可以充分发挥你的技能、自身价值以及个人才干。一个没有太多资历,但信心满满的的人去参加面试,往往可以击败那些没有信心却很有资历的对手。 Confidence is an indication that you know what youre doing and that you have faith in your own skill set to complete your goals. 信心可以指引你,坚信你自己的能力,最后完成目标,走向成功。

Six ways to bolster your confidence and guarantee success : 六条法则树立信心走向成功: 1. Surround yourself with positive, driven people who are happy with themselves and are willing to change the things in their lives that dont make them a success. Confidence is contagious. 1.确保你身边的人都是积极面对人生的,如果身边的人总是乐观积极,努力改变生活,努力寻找成功机会,那么你也会被他们的自信所感染。 2. Take a bold risk every so often to change your circumstances for the better. If it is a successful pivot, your confidence will rise. If it isnt successful, bounce back quickly. 2.经常试着冒险做点什么来改变你所处的环境。如果成功了,你会对未来更有信心,如果失败了,赶快寻求转机。 3. Do one thing every day that makes you smile. Happiness is synonymous with confidence, or at least it should be. 3. 每天做一件让自己开心的事。开心和自信是同义的,至少是有所关联的。 

4. Focus on goals and aspirations to uphold your confidence for the long term. Enjoy your life, but dont neglect your a steadfast outlook on where you are going and what itll take to get there. 4. 对你的目标和抱负要充满信心并长期坚持。享受人生,但不要忽略对未来规划。以后要如何发展,怎样发展都要有规划。 5. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how quickly they bounce back from a failure. If you are down on yourself, theres no time to push forward except for right away. 5. 成功者和失败者之间的区别就是成功者知道如何从失败中获取经验,寻找转机。如果你处于事业低靡期,千万不要太着急,除非你确定你改变的方案是正确的。 6. Move quickly when it comes to achieving your goals. Time is of the essence, always. The more quickly you begin working toward your goals for success, the stronger your confidence will grow. 6. 快实现目标的时候你需要加快脚步。时间就是金钱。你越是积极地去接近你的目标,你就会更加自信。


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