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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Keep this list handy. Ask yourself these questions every day--without fail. And then, based on your answers, take action. 把这份清单放在手边。每天问问自己下面的问题 一定要回答。然后,基于自己的回答,采取行动。

1. Who would cry the most at my funeral ? 在我的葬礼上谁会哭得最凶 ? Those are people who love you unconditionally. Start returning the feeling. 有些人无条件地爱你。开始回报这些感情吧。

2. Do I spend enough time with the people who would cry the most at my funeral ? 我有没有和那些会在我葬礼上哭得最凶的人度过足够多的时间 ? Probably not. Even though those are the people who see the good in you, and make you feel good about yourself. 也许没有。即使他们是那些看到你优点的人,让你感觉良好的人。

3. Who would I want to cry the most at my funeral ? 我会在谁的葬礼上哭得最凶 ? Chances are those are the people you neglect the most. You care about them but youre taking them for granted. 很有可能是那些最被你忽视的人。你关心他们,但是你总是把他们对你的感情当做理所当然。 Stop taking them for granted. 开始珍惜他们吧。

4. Am I proud to tell people where I work ? 我会自豪地告诉别人我在哪里工作吗 ? If not, its time to start looking elsewhere. Titles come and go. Money comes and goes. Pride is forever. 如果不是,该开始找工作了。职位来了又走,金钱也来来去去。只有自豪感是永恒的。

5. Is my company a business I would want my children to run ? 我会不会想让孩子来经营公司的业务 ? There may be aspects of your business you wouldnt wish on your worst enemy, much less your kids: insufferable customers, unbearable employees, difficult working conditions, uncertain long-term prospects. 你的业务中有一些方面你都不希望自己最大的敌人去面对,更不用提自己的孩子了:令人无法忍受的顾客、令人难以忍受的雇员、艰难的工作条件、不确定的长期前景等。 If you would say to your child, No, I wouldnt want you to have to deal with that... why do allow yourself to continue to deal with that? 如果你会对孩子说,不, 我不想让你们去处理那些.......为什么还让自己继续处理呢? Naturally you want your kids to be happy. You also deserve to be happy. List the problems, then fix the problems. 当然,你希望你的孩子幸福。但你也要开心。列出问题,然后解决问题。 If you want a better future for your kids, show them the way by making a better future for yourself. 如果你想让孩子有个更好的未来,那你可以让他们看看你是如何让自己的未来更加美好的。

6. Does today feel different than yesterday ? 今天的感觉是不是和昨天一样 ? It should, if only in a very small way. Otherwise youre sitting still. 应该只有一小部分相同, 否则你就是停滞不前。

7. Do I say no more than I say yes ? 我说不是不是比说是要频繁 ? No ensures today will be exactly the same as yesterday. Or maybe worse. 说不会让今天和昨天一样,也许更糟。 8. Do I spend money instead of time ? 我是不是更喜欢用金钱代替时间 ? Maybe you buy your kids stuff because you feel guilty for being away so much, or missing events, or being distracted most of the time. Maybe you buy your significant other stuff when you feel guilty about not paying enough attention or showing, by word and action, that you care. 也许你给孩子买礼物是因为你感到内疚,你觉得自己总不在他们身边或错过了他们的活动,或和他们在一起的时间大部分都在走神。也许你觉得没有足够重视生命中的另一半,或没有通过言语和行为表达出来对他们的足够重视,因为心存愧意而给对方买东西。

Or maybe you spend money on productivity tools instead of putting in the time to change inefficient work habits. Or maybe you buy expensive fitness equipment and trendy workout gear instead of just sucking it up and working out more. 也许你花钱买提高效率的工具,而不是花时间改变低效的工作习惯;也许你宁愿买昂贵的健身设备和时尚的运动装备,而不愿认真去锻炼身体。 Money never produces the same results as time. Expensive clothes cant get you in shape; productivity apps cant make you more efficient; a new tablet cant transform your business life. 金钱永远换不来时间的效果。昂贵的衣服不能让你有好的体型;提高生产力效率的工具不会让你变得高效;新的平板电脑不会改变你的商务生活。

Money can change some things, temporarily. Time can change anything, forever. 金钱可以改变一些事情,可那只是暂时改变。而时间却可以改变任何事情,永久改变。 And dont forget: Your kids will soon forget the video game you bought them but theyll never forget the afternoon you spent together. 另外不要忘记:你的孩子会很快忘记你买给他们的电子游戏,但他们不会忘记你和他们一起度过的美好时光。

9. Do I think of myself as a noun ? 我用名词来描述自己吗 ? m an inventor. m a speaker. m a writer. 我是名发明家。我是名演讲家。我是名作家。 Youre in a box. 你的思维受到了限制。 Start defining yourself as a noun and you start to feel like youve arrived (even when you havent). Slowly your focus shifts to being rather than doing, to maintaining a sense of self rather than striving to continually improve specific skills. 开始用名词描述自己,你会觉得自己已经到达了那个水平。 慢慢地你的注意力会转移到是上而不是做, 维持自我感觉而不是努力继续提高职位技能。 And you slowly close yourself off to other activities, other ventures, and other possibilities. 你会慢慢地不去参加其他活动,不去冒险,不去考虑其他可能性。 Dont define yourself by what you do. Never let yourself be a noun. Be a person who does lots of verbs--and is always open to more. 不要通过职业来定义自己。不要把自己描述成名词。做一个可以用很多动词描述的人总是准备接纳更多。

10. Do I make people feel good about themselves ? 我是不是让人感觉良好 ? Unexpected praise, like the gift given just because, makes a huge impact. 意料之外的赞美,就像是只是因为...而送出去的礼物,会产生巨大的影响。 Every day, people around you do good things. Praise at least one of them, sincerely and specifically. Theyll feel great. Youll feel great. 每天,你身边的人都在做一些好事。至少表扬他们中的一位,表扬时要真诚而具体。他们会感觉很棒,而你也会感觉不错。

11. Do I scare myself? 我有没有吓到过自己? If not, you should. 如果没有,你该试试。 Dont scare yourself with fear of the future, or the economy, or injury or death, but with things you decide to do that push, stretch, challenge, and leave you excited and thrilled and relieved in an Oh my gosh I cant believe I did that! way. 不要用对未来或经济、受伤或死亡的恐惧来吓自己,而是用你决定做的事情,你面临的挑战来督促自己,让自己兴奋、激动,并用天哪!不敢相信我竟然做到了!这样的方式来放松自己。 We all have fears. What matters is what we do when were hesitant or nervous or afraid. When we turn away, we die a little inside; when we face a fear and do what we really want to do, we feel truly alive. 我们都心存恐惧。重要的是当我们犹豫、紧张、害怕时我们做了什么。当我们扭头走开时,我们的内心在一点点死去;当我们面临恐惧做我们真正想做的事情时, 我们会觉得自己真正地活着。 Are you living... or really living? You only get one chance. Make sure you live. 你是活着......还是在真正地活着?你只有一次机会。确保自己是在活着。


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