Whether you are attending a job fair, a career networking event or meeting a contact one-on-one, its a good idea to have a job search focused business card, so its easy for people you meet to follow up with you.无论你参加的是招聘会,职业社交活动还是与联系人一对一会面,带上求职性质的商务名片是很聪明的决定,这样更方便对方随后与你联系。
What to Include on Your Business Card商务名片该包含哪些要素
Todays job seekers have the opportunity to present more than just the basic contact information traditionally included with business cards. Of course, your name, job title, employer, cell phone number and email address should be included. If you use a two-sided card, you will be able to include additional information and avoid cluttering the front of the card.如今求职者通过商务名片所展示的信息已经比过去传统的联系方式多很多了。没错,你的名字,职位称号,雇主,手机号码以及电子邮箱都应该包含在内。如果你的名片是双面的,你也可以把额外的信息添加到另外一面以免让卡片的正面看起来凌乱不堪。
Be Sure to Include Links切记加上联系网址
Incorporating the address of your profile provides the opportunity to showcase additional accomplishments and recommendations. A link to a business-oriented personal website can also be used to convey professional information.附上个人履历的网址也能很好地展示额外的成就与推荐信息。以商务为导向的个人主页也能传递专业的信息。
For many career fields, a link to a portfolio site can be an effective way to showcase designs, writing or other projects which will prove to prospective employers that you have the right stuff for your target job.在很多的职业领域里,附上网站组合的链接能够有效地展示你的设计作品,文章以及其他项目,从而向潜在雇主证明你的应聘资格。
Consider Adding a Tag Line加上一句口号
Some job seekers include a tagline on the second side of their card like A technology consultant with a cutting-edge grasp of networking strategies and a proven record of completing projects on time and within budget. Others will use the back side of the card to list three to five key skills or knowledge assets which they offer to employers.某些求职者会把类似这样的句子打在卡片的另一面技术顾问:拥有尖端网络策略,既能按时完成任务,也不超出预算。也有的求职者会利用名片的背面列出3-5个特长与资历以符合雇要求。
Leave Plenty of White Space留出足够的空白位置
However, its important not to clutter your card and to leave plenty of white space, so its easy to read. Think about what information will present your candidacy most effectively before you start designing a business card.然而,保持卡片表面整洁保留多点空白位置更便于阅读。在设计卡片前不妨先想想自己认为最能呈现个人特长的特质是什么。
QR Codes on Business Cards在名片上附上二维码
You can also include a QR code which can be scanned by a smartphone and is linked to a website URL so the viewer can get more information.你也可以在名片上印上自己的联系信息二维码,使用智能手机扫描就能链接到相关的网页以便对方获取更多信息。
Where to Get Business Cards制作商务名片有哪些途径
There are plenty of low-cost, and even free, options for getting business cards printed. Google free business cards for a list of companies that will give you free cards, but be aware there may be a fee for shipping and for add-ons.有很多低成本,甚至免费的途径能打印商务名片。在网上搜索免费商务名片就会出现一系列能给你提供免费商务名片的公司名字,但得留意也有一些需要支付运费或广告费。
You can also find free templates online. Another option is retail stores like Staples where you can get help with the design as well as printing.你也可以找一些免费的在线模板。或者找一些诸如Staples的零售商店帮助你设计和打印名片。
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