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发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Video Text:

The [i:] sound is a front vowel, which means it feels more like it comes from here, than from here, ah. ee. To make this sound, the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, and it is a little more forward than the midpoint of the tongue, and same with the roof of the mouth. Ee. So for me, its about that point that touches the roof of the mouth. Because the tongue is touching the roof of the mouth, the jaw cannot drop. Ee. And, as you notice, the sides of my mouth come out just a little bit. If that didnt happen, this is what it would look like: ee, ee. But they do: ee, ee.


Sample words:

please 请

ski 滑雪

Sample sentence:

She believes everything she sees. 她相信一切亲眼所见之事。


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