Video Text:
[u:]. This is another back vowel. Its the most closed. Oo. To make this, my tongue comes up just a little bit in the back, it kind of fattens up. Oo. So, the tip of my tongue is not at the front of my teeth. And the lips, of course, come in. Oo. Side shot: oo. Ah, uh, oh, oo.[u:]又是一个后元音,它是开口最小的一个音。Oo. 发这个音时,舌头只是在舌根处略微抬起,有些摊平。Oo. 所以,舌尖并不碰到门牙。另外嘴唇当然要向内聚拢。Oo. 从侧面对比一下:oo. Ah, uh, oh, oo.
Sample words:
Sample sentence:
Who flew through the blue sky?是谁飞越了蓝天?
上一篇: 【大家一起学发音】[e]该怎么发(视频)