32. Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as manifestations of the laws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and uniformly through the water as a person standing on land.
(A) water as a
(B) water as to a
(C) water; just as it would to a
(D) water, as it would to the
(E) water; just as to the
(A)water as a
【错误】 比较结构:本选项属于比较句式。不同于一般的比较结构,比较句式的本质是两个平行可比的主谓结构在进行比较,这不过其中一个主谓结构发生了省略。大体上,本句的两个相互比较的主谓结构可以还原为“natural phenomena appear the same to someone on the deck as natural phenomena appear to a person standing on land”。本选项将后半句话
省略后只剩下“a person standing on land”阴影部分被完全省略。这种写法产生了比较歧义,因为我们无法确定“a person”在第二个主谓结构中所作成分,它或与“phenomena”平行,或与“someone”平行,而如果像(B)那样改写为“to a person……”做可以明确显示出其与前一个主谓结构中的“to someone”平行。
(B)water as to a
【正确】 “to a person standing on land”明确地与“to someone on the deck”平行,将这个比较句式省略的部分补全为:natural phenomena would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and uniformly through the water as they (natural phenomena) appear to a person standing on land.
【大意】 伽利略确信,自然现象,根据物理规律,对于匀速运动的船甲板上的人和对于站在岸上的人来说,看起来是一样的。
(C)water; just as it would to a
【错误1】 代词指代:GMAT语法中,代词应指代与其数量形式一致的名词性结构,本选项“it”本意上应指代“phenomena”,但“phenomena”实际上是“phenomenon”的复数形式(尤其在题干中的复数谓语动词“appear”也可以判断出这一点),因此指代关系无法建立。
【错误2】 句子结构:“;”用来连接语法功能一致的结构。“;”如果用做连接两个主谓结构,则两个主谓结构语法结构上应当平行,“just as +S(主语)+V(谓语)”本质上是“just as”引导的比较从句,而“;”之前出现的句子是主句,主、从句之间语法功能不一致。
(D)water, as it would to the
【错误】 代词指代:见(C)中【错误1】
(E)water; just as to the
【错误】 句子结构:“;”用来连接语法功能一致的结构,而本选项“;”两边不存在语法功能一致的结构。