煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第21课:你应该畏惧的寄生虫-查字典英语网
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煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第21课:你应该畏惧的寄生虫

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Parasites have a nasty reputation.But is it really fair to fear these little guys?Well,yes.And if you dont think so,heres why these terrifying creatures are worth ofavoiding at all costs.As if you need another reason to hate mosquitoes,When they bite humans,they can leave the larvae of the parasitic filarial worm. 寄生虫大多臭名昭著。不过 我们真应该惧怕它们吗?是的。如果你不觉得 下面就来说说为什么应该不遗余力地,躲开他们。就当你还需要一个恨蚊子的理由吧。当它们叮咬人类时 会留下寄生丝虫的幼虫。

These worms live and grow in our bodies,sometimes taking years to mature into full adults,leaving only inconspicuous rashes and sores.Years later,they work together to block the vessels of your lymphatic system,creating a build-up fluid,leaving to diseases like elephantasis,This is one of the leading causes of disability in the world. 这些虫子会在你体内生长,有时,需要好几年才能进化成虫,给你带来不起眼的皮疹和溃疡。数年后,它们会一起堵住你淋巴系统的血管,造成体液积聚 并导致象皮肿等疾病,这是世界上致残首要因素之一。 Another worm worth hating is the pinworm.Pinworm eggs are often eaten because of contaminated or dirty hands.The eggs hatch and mature in your gut,at which point the adult female exits the anus to lay a new batch of eggs on the surrounding skin,Your butt hole become a nest.This causes intense itching,often leading to recontaminated hands,or finger nails,which can end up in your mouth again,restarting the cycle.Feel like scratching your bum? 还有一个令人厌恶的虫子,蛲虫,蛲虫卵通过被污染的手被人们吃下去。卵在你肠子里生长发育 此后雌性成虫,从肛门跑出来 在周围皮肤下产下一批卵。你的菊花就成了虫洞。这会造成强烈的瘙痒 常会导致手和指甲重新,被污染,最终 虫卵再次进入你口中 开始新的循环,想要挠挠小虫洞? Do yourself a favor and wash those hands and fingernails,On the other side of the body live the lovly public lice.Sometimes called crabs.Though it is not uncommon to find these buggers in your eyebrows,beard or even eye lashes,the itching is from an allergic reaction to their saliva.And it would take treatment with medication or shaving it all of to get rid of them,Of course,abstinence and no sex works well as a preventive measure.along with not sharing your undies with other people. 赶紧去洗洗手,清理指甲吧。在身体另一侧住着一群可爱的阴虱。有时也叫毛虱。尽管在眉毛,胡子和睫毛里面找到它们,也不足以为奇。瘙痒感来自于人对其唾液的过敏反应。想要摆脱它们 药不能停 要么就把毛全部挂掉。当然 禁欲禁性也是一种极佳的预防措施,还有别跟别人共用内裤。 Some parasites are meant for marine animals,but end up in humans at the goodness of our...guts?The anisakis nematode infects humans after eating raw or undercooked fish like sushi,which contains the larvae.The worms penetrate our gut wall and causes abdominal pain,nausea and even vomiting.But nobody really wins this one.As the nematode cant mature in the human gut and eventually dies,The tongue biter is another marine parasite. 一些寄生虫是海洋生物特有的,但为何最终出现在了人们的肠子里,当人类进食包含虫卵的未煮熟的鱼肉 如寿司时,异尖线虫会进入人类身体。这种虫子会咬穿肠壁,造成腹泻,恶心甚至呕吐。但是 这回没人是赢家。异线尖虫在人类肠子中无法生存 它们终会死去。附舌水虱又是一种海洋寄生虫。 This tongue-eating louse finds its suitable fish and chews off its tongue,only to cling to the stub in its place.Here they stay feeding on the fishs blood,all the while maiding and dispersing their progeny into the ocean. 这种附舌水虱会找到合适的宿主 咬掉它的舌头,之后紧贴在舌根,它们在此以鱼的血液为生,同时服侍着鱼,并向海中四散自己的后代。 And finally,the wonderful cortdyceps,which are fungi known for creating zombie ants.The fungi takes over the ants body and mind making it leave the colony and begin,climbing upwards to more ideal temperature and humidity.The ant then bites onto stem or leave and get locked into position until it dies. 最后 来说说神奇的冬虫夏草 僵尸蚂蚁的缔造者。这种真菌会占据蚂蚁的躯体与思想,使其离开家园 开始向上爬到一个温湿度较为理想的地方。之后,蚂蚁会死死咬住茎或叶子,固定在原地直至死亡。 At which point,the fungus burst through the ants head and spreads outward.Could such a parasite ever affect on humans?For everyones sake,we hope not. 此时,真菌从蚂蚁的脑内长出了,向外生长。这种寄生菌会影响到人类吗?看在所有人的份上,最好不能。


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