煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第19课:颠覆人类世界观的量子理论-查字典英语网
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煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第19课:颠覆人类世界观的量子理论

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

To understand the true nature of the universe,there are a few ideas that pretty much everyone agrees on. 为了理解宇宙的真正本质,绝大多数人都会同意这几个概念。

Like theres an objective reality made of space and time.Or nothing can travel faster than light.And things that happened are caused by other things.But,we humans are free to choose what we do.These ideas make up our modern view of reality.But,theres a problem:they cant actually all be right at the same time.Whys that? 比如空间和时间构成了客观现实。或者“任何物体都不能超过光速”,还有所发生的事情都是另一些事造成的。但是,我们人类都有自由选择权。这些概念构成了现代人对现实的观念。但有个问题,它们不能同时都是正确的。为什么? Well,in the quantum world,two particles like photons can be entangled,so that when you observe one,it affects the other,When this happens,we know that some sort of weird influence travels between the particles,almost instantaneously,faster than even the speed of light. 在量子世界中,两个光子或者其他微粒纠缠在一起,因此观测任意一方都会影响另一方。当这发生时,我们知道有一种奇怪的影响,会在粒子间传递 传递几乎是即刻的。速度比光速还快。 But according to Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity,Nothing can travel faster than light.So either relativity is wrong or somehow reality is bigger than just normal space and time.But in fact,either way stuff that travels faster than light is the major problem.Since space and time are woven together,sending an influence faster than light means you can send it back in time.And that means you can have all kinds of weird things.like effects happening before the things that cause them. 但是根据爱因斯坦的狭义相对论,任何物体无法超过光速。那么要么相对论错了,要么现实并不仅仅是常说的空间和时间。而事实上 无论如何超过光速的物体才是主要问题。因为空间和时间交织在一起,将影响因素超光速传送意味着你能把送到时间之前,这就意味着你能让各种奇异事件发生,比如后果在原因之前发生。 How does that work?Well,just like how quantum particles can sort of being two places at once,recent research says it maybe possible for them to be at two different times at once.This means that at the most basic level of the universe,cause and effect maybe meaningless,But it gets even worse. 那么它是怎么做到的?正如量子微粒可以在同一时间出现在两个地方一样,近期的研究说明,他们也可能呈现在两个不同的时间内,这就意味着在宇宙的最基本层面上,因果关系也许毫无意义。更糟的还在后面。 At its heart,quantum mechanics can never tell you exactly where particle will be,It only gives probabilities.And it is not like if we only have more information or better math,we can make a more precise prediction.The only way to know what a particle would do is for us to choose to measure it. 在其核心内,量子力学永远不能告诉你微粒的精确位置,它只给出一些概率,这并不是说如果我们有更多的信息或者计算更精确,就能得到一个更精确的假设。我们发现粒子行为的唯一方法就是 去测量它. Until then,it actually really is fundamentally random.Unless we are actually choosing anything.If we get rid of the idea that we had a choice of when and how we measures the particle,then maybe it was somehow destined to be where and when we found it.That would mean the fundamental reality isnt random.But would also mean we have no free will. 直到这时,本质上说它还是随机的,除非我们选择了一切,如果我们抛弃“自己可以选择何时通过什么方式测量微粒”这个观点,那么我们在某时某地找到它就是件命中注定的事了。这也就意味着现实的本质并非随机,但也意味着我们没有自由意志。 We have to belive our choices are just illusions and consiousness are just the side effect of completely predictable chemical reactions going on in our brains.Or something like that.So if you like relativity,you cant have normal space and time.If you want cause and effect,you can have free will. 我们得相信,我们所有的选择只是幻象,意识只是大脑中所发生的,完全可预知的化学反应的副产物,或者是类似的事情。如果你偏爱相对论 你就失去了常规的空间时间意识。如果你爱因果论,你就有自由意志。 Our best theories about the way the universe works contradict each other.Does that mean science is wrong?Not really.Whats more likely is that our brains evolve to understand.space and time or cause and effect.because those things have mattered for our survival for most of our evolutionary history. 对于宇宙的运转方式,我们最好的几个理论都是互相矛盾。这是否意味着科学不科学。不仅如此。更可能的原因是 我们的大脑在进化中理解,空间和时间 或者因果关系,是因为这些事在人类的进化史上关乎到我们的存亡. But while they maybe important to us humans.nothing says that space and time,or cause and effect have to be key features for the universe,That doesnt mean reality is actually controlled by.I dont know,invisible unicorns? 但尽管它们对我们人类可能很重要,没有什么东西说明空间和时间或者因果关系,一定是宇宙的主要特征,这并不意味着宇宙实际上是被,额... 隐形独角兽控制的? Just that understanding the true nature of life,the universe and everything was never supposed to be easy. 只是 理解事物的本质,比如生命 宇宙以及一切 从来都不是件简单的事。


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