煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第11课:我们对大脑的7个误解-查字典英语网
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煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第11课:我们对大脑的7个误解

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The brain is amazing and complex.But a lack of understandings has lead to a grateful idea of myth through out the years. 我们的大脑神奇又复杂。但由于缺乏足够足够了解,多年来我们都存在许多误解。 Like bigger is better,Well,this may be true for some other organs,You only need to look at sperm whales brain which is nearly 6 times larger than that of humans,to see this myth fall apart.Yes,there are certainly intelligent animals.but their cognitive skills pale in comparison to our own. 比如“越大越好”。这个说话或许对其他器官适应,这个误解看似有一定道理,但只需要用抹香鲸举个例子就可以说明,它们的大脑差不多比人的大脑大6倍。它们确实很聪明,不过认知能力远不及我们人类。

Had fun night owl?Dont worry.Alcohol doesnt actually kill your brain cells.Although,it does cause damaging creates problems of conveying messages between neurons,The damage is mostly reversible.Similarily,drugs dont actually create holes in your brain. 喝高后也不要太担心大脑受损。酒精并不会杀死我们的脑细胞。虽然酒精可能导致神经元之间的信息传递障碍,但这却是可逆的。同样 药物也不会让大脑内部形成空洞。 Though,some can permanently change your brains functionality and structure,the only thing can not a hole in your brain is physical trauma.Good thing is you have 100 billion brain cells,or not.Surprisingly,it wasnt it until 2009 that scientists discoverd the true mnumber to be closer to 86 billion.Sure,it may seem like a small difference. 一些药物确实会永久性改变大脑的机能和物理结构,但只有外部创伤才真正会在脑袋里留下洞洞。我们真的有1000亿个脑细胞吗?恐怕没有。奇怪的是直到2009年科学家们才发现,我们只有大约860亿个脑细胞。可能你会觉得这差别不是很大。 But those 14 billion neurons are equal to the size of entire baboon brain,To further put those number in perceptive consider that 1 million seconds is 12 days,while 1 billion seconds is 31 years.So,that 14 billion neuron difference may not be so small after all. 但是,狒狒一般情况下也才有这相差的140亿个脑细胞,让我们举个例子进一步说明这个差距有多大,100万秒是约是12天 10亿秒却是31年,这样看来 是不是140亿的差距就不小啦。 Regardless we cant use them all,right? Most movies and science books have us believe humans can only use around 10% percent of our brain.which is absolutely nonsense.Thanks to modern brain scanning technology.we known that we use the whole thing all the time.Now,necessarily all at once,when you working,for instance.the part the brain associated with movement are more active than other areas. 我们不能完全利用大脑对吗?大多数科教片和科技书籍都误导我们,人类大脑最多可以开发10%左右,这纯属扯淡,有了脑部扫描技术后 我们才得知,我们的大脑随时都在完全运转。比如 当你需要做某种工作时,可以让大脑某部位更加活跃。 However,there is no part of the brain that simply doesnt do anything.It presents 3% of the bodys weigh,and it just 20% of its energy,thats a busy brain,But we generally use one side more than the other,right? Nope .But you have be convinced that if you more logical or analytical.you more left brained;and if you are more creative and intuitive,youre more brained.It simply not true. 不过 其他部位并不是完全闲着。大脑占人体重量的3% 却要消耗20%的能量 它真的很忙,我们更擅长用左脑或是右脑吗?也不是,大多数人会觉得 如果更理智或更聪明,自己就是左脑型;如果创造力和直觉好 就是右脑型。其实都不对。 While different sides of our brain are indeed used for special functions.For example,language uses the left hemispherre.while the right hemisphere helps us read a emotion.Study on thousands individuals have found,no evidence of left or right dominance in individuals.In other words,you use both sides equally.And you dont actually have 5 senses like you are always told. 不过,我们左右脑确实各施其职。比如 说话主要靠左脑,而右脑却帮我们读懂别人的感情。对数千人研究后表明 个体左脑和右脑之间,完全没有主脑和副脑的区别。也就是说 你的两侧大脑完全平等。你也并不只有通常认为的五种感官。 In fact,you have a lot more.Like nociception,which is the sense of pain,and proprioception,the sense of how our body are positioned.Not to mention the sense of balance,temperature and passing of time.Scientists at GE Global Research Centers are collaborating with top researchers and institutions to uncover new insides of the brain functionality. 实际上,要多得多。比如感觉疼痛的“伤感感受”,以及用于调节体位的“本体感受”。其他还有感觉平衡 温度和时间流逝的感受等。GE全球研究中心的科学家们 正与全球顶尖的研究者和研究中心合作,探究大脑功能的位置奥秘。 If you are interested in debunking more myth,or understanding more about the brain.you can follow their progress at the GE reports,as they work together to crack the brains greatest mysteries. 如果对探究奥秘 或者是想了解更多有关大脑知识,可以关注GE的研究报告了解他们揭露的大脑奥秘。


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