煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第9课:公共马桶的正确使用方法-查字典英语网
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煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第9课:公共马桶的正确使用方法

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Sometimes,it just cant wait till you get home!But with the questionable sanitary state of public bathrooms,one has to wonder. 总有时候 急翔如溢 归巢难及!只是 公共卫生间的卫生如此捉急 人们会想。 Should you haver above or cover the seat with toilet paper?Are you really at risk of contamination?It may be surprising,but in a typical home,your cutting board has around 200 times more fecal matter on it than the average toilet seat. 是该悬在马桶圈上方还是垫张纸呢?你真的会被弄脏吗?听上去不可思议 不过在一般家庭中,菜板上的粪便物含量是马桶圏上平均含量的200倍。

Even worse is the dish sponge,which has around 200,000 times more bacteria.And while weve all seen our fair share of dirty public toilets,the truth is,if it passes the site test and seems okay,Its probably cleaner than most other objects in a bathroom. 更吓人的是百洁布其细菌含量飚升到了20万倍。尽管我们都在公共卫生间的肮脏出力,如果马桶能通过现场测试 也看得过去,它就可能比卫生间的大多东西都要干净。 Regardless,your skin is designed as an excellent barrier to microorganisms,Even though some bacteria such as E.Coli can survive on a toilet seat indefinitely,if you dont have an open sore near the it,or there isnt something foreign or sharp on the seat,the bacteria isnt likely to get inside your body. 此外 你的皮肤也是良好的微生物屏障。尽管大肠杆菌等细菌也许可以在马桶圏上生存,如果其附近皮肤没有疮口,并且马桶上没有异物或尖锐物,细菌并不会入侵你的身体。 And while placing a layer of clean paper on the seat may reduce your contact with germs,its worth considering a few things: 在马桶上铺一层厕纸,会减少你同细菌的接触,还有几件事也得考虑清楚。 First,the species of bacteria typically found on toilet seats are common skin microbes that most people already carry.meaning they pose little threat unless you are immuno-compromised. 第一 马桶圏上的常见细菌,也是大多数人皮肤上携带的常见细菌,它的危险性极小 除非你有免疫系统障碍。 And secondly,chances are,microorganisms are already over everything in the bathroom.Seriously,Simply flushing a toilet creates aerosolized bacteria,meaning that that toilet paper itself likely contaminated. 另外 很可能厕所内所有物品上已经盖满细菌啦。真的 马桶冲水时会产生雾化细菌,也就是说 厕纸本身也不干净。 The risk of infection comes most frequently from improper hand washing followed by touching your mouth,eyes,or other bodily openings.If youre that worried about germs and insist on wasting toilet paper for your toosh,you should probably be in a biohazard suit,because either way,youre being exposed. 而最可能造成感染的是 手洗不干净。之后又接触口部 眼睛或其他身体开口。如果你对细菌避之若浼 一定要为此浪费大卷厕纸,那么还是穿防化服,因为 无论如何 你都暴露在细菌中。 On the other hand,hovering over the toilet is a perfect alternative if youre grossed out,and gets a little workout in there as well,Otherwise,sit with confidence,wash your hands and when youre done,waltz over to that door and touch the handle that everbody who didnt wash their hands touched too. 另一方面 悬在马桶上方是一个完美的方法,既可以防止染翔 又可以锻炼身体。要么 淡定地坐下 别忘洗手,解决问题之后 蹦蹦跳跳到门前 拉开门把手,每个没洗手的人也是这么做的。


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