煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第7课:燃烧200卡路里奇葩方式-查字典英语网
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煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第7课:燃烧200卡路里奇葩方式

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

After taking a look at what 200 food calories looks like a few weeks ago,we thought,What does it look like to burn these calories off?Sure the average person who runs for a good 20 minutes will burn roughly 200 calories,But is that really the most fun way to do it? 几周前 我们已经看到含200卡的食物是啥样 我们想,燃烧这些卡路里又是什么样呢?当然 平常人快速跑20分钟会消耗大约200卡路里能量,但是 有没有更有意思的方式呢?

For example,why not chew gum for 18 hours to burn off those 200 calories?Granted,chewing gum contains around 10 calories per piece.so if you took a new piece every hour,youd basically be breaking even,love lip-balm?Try applying it 1500 times to burn 200 calories. 比如说 干嘛不为了燃烧200卡能量而嚼18小时口香糖呢?不过 每块口香糖含有大约10卡能量,因此如果你每小时换一块的话 你的能量陪增不减,爱唇彩 为了烧掉200卡 涂上个1500次吧。 And why not put those glossy lips to good use with 2 hours of kissing your love interest?If things heat up,you only need an hour of sex to burn off 200 calories.But before all that,you may want to spend 45 sessions brushing your teeth.Prefer a more passive route?How about simply watching TV? Spend a good 2 and a half hours surfing through channels.and youll actually burn those 200 calories.Watch something hilarious and youll only need 4 commercial free sitcoms with consistent laughter.If youre bored and happen to fall asleep.youll need over 3 hours to burn the same amount. 干嘛不好好利用性感红唇 和你所爱之人热吻2小时呢?如果进展不错 滚1个小时床单就能消耗200卡,而在此之前 你也可以刷45次牙来消耗能量,实在懒得动弹 一动不动看电视怎么样?只要花整整两个半小时漫无目的地换台,就能消耗掉这200卡能量,看点好笑的东西 只需要4个无广告的情景喜剧外加持续不断的笑声即可,如果你太无聊 倒头就睡,需要3个小时就能消耗相同的能量. But you will be burning calories even in your sleep!Instead of surfing channels,what about actually surfing? You can cut your time down to an hour by hitting the waves all the while getting that much desired tan.and if you get mouthful of water in the process,dont worry. 不过即使睡觉时你也会消耗能量,换台算什么 冲冲浪怎么样,你可以通过冲浪把时间缩短到一个小时, 同时还能赚得一身黝黑的皮肤,如果你不小心在冲浪时喝了一大口水 别担心。 Simply drinking 8 glasses of water will burn an extra 70 calories a day.Fresh water,that is,meaning,after 3days of the recommended daily water intake,youd have burned off that 200 calories,But dont try to sneak it all in one day! 单单是在一天内喝8杯水就能燃烧额外的70卡能量,当然 说的是淡水,这就是说 三天的饮水量达到推荐标准时,你就能燃烧掉200卡能量,但是可别一天喝三天的量。 Drinking too much water can actually be dangerous,Dont want to wait days?Try some intense skipping for 15 minutes.Or if youre having a good day,why not let the world know by singing your favourite pop song 23 times?But if youre shower head is the only one who appreciates your vocals,how about playing chopsticks on the piano for an hour and a half? Or put those fingers to use by typing out a 4800 word short story about burning 200 calories. 水喝得太多是会出事情的,等不及了,试试快速跳绳15分钟吧。或者如果你心情大好,干嘛不唱自己喜欢的神曲 连唱23遍让全世界都知道呢?但是如果只有你家浴室喷头能懂你,在钢琴上弹一个半小时的《筷子》怎么样?或者让你的十个姑娘动起来 打出一个4800词的200卡能量是如何被浪费的。 And while 200 calories is an arbitrary number that we chose,a pound of fat is equivalent to roughly 3500 calories.So,burn away!Though,its important to remember that how many calories your body burns during these activities is dependent on your size,gender,and general body makeup. 另外 尽管200卡只是我们人为挑选出的数字,一磅脂肪所含的能量约等于3500卡路里,那么 烧了它们吧!不过 还需要记住的是在这些活动中 你身体消耗能量的多少还取决于你的体重 性别以及身体健壮程度。


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