煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第4课:地球上最热的地方在哪?-查字典英语网
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煎蛋小学堂:英语百科(视频+中英字幕) 第4课:地球上最热的地方在哪?

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The earth has a lot of warm places: forest fires,lave flows,iron foundries,the inside of your toaster oven,nuclear reactors,and so forth. 地球上有很多热的地方: 森林大火、 熔岩流、铸钢厂、你学烤箱内部、核反应堆里等等。 But,if were just talking about regular old sun-heats-the-earth climate and weather,where on the earths surface is hottest? 但是 如果我们只谈平常由日照导致的气候与天气的话,那么地球上最热的地方在哪里?

Some might say Death Valleywhich isnt a bad guess,as the 56.7Celsius temperature observed 100 years ago at aptly named Furnace Creek remains,according to official weather statistics,the highest temperature ever recorded. 一些人会说是“死亡谷”这个想法不错,毕竟100年前,在火炉溪的一个地方 曾经探测到过56.7℃的高温,根据官方气象统计数据,这仍是有史以来监测到的最高温度。 However,weather stations measure air temperature in the shade about a meter and a half above the ground.And as you know if youve ever walked barefoot across a beach on a hot day.surfaces in direct sunlight can be a lot hotter than the air just above them. 但是 气象监测站是在阴影下测定空气温度的位置在地表上方1.5米附近。你也知道 如果你大热天光着脚走在滩上,阳光直射到的表面的温度比要上方空气高出许多。 Plus,there are only 11,119 official weather stations scattered across the globe,which equates to only 1 station every 13,000 square kilometers,or six on average for an area the size of Scotland,(not that Scotland is a leading candidate for heat waves). 另外 分布在世界各地的官方气象监测站只有11,119个,也变相当于每1.3万平方公里才有一个气象站,或者六分之一个苏格兰的大小,(不是说苏格兰是热浪的首选目标) Super hot places like deserts are particularly harsh and remote making weather stations impractical and even less common. 沙漠这类特别热的地方气候严苛 位置偏远,这使得气象站难以实现 因而数量更少。 So to find the true hottest place on earth,we need an army of meteorology students to install and monitor thermometers on every inch of the planet,Or we could measure the temperature of the earth from space,Which NASA does every day. 那么 为了找到地球上真正最热的地方,我们需要一大群气象学的学生在地球每一寸土上安装和监控温度计,或者 我们可以从太空中测量地球的温度,而这也是NASA的日常任务。 The Terra and Aqua satellites carry instruments called spectroradiometers which detect the infrared radiation ,that is,the heat,radiating from the Earths surface.Their resolution isnt amazing,since the satellites measure temperature averaged over each square kilometer of the globe,but thats still 13,000 times better than weather stations. Terra 和 Aqua 卫星携带者名为“分光辐射度计”的仪器,它测量的是红外线辐射 也就是地球表面辐射的能量,这东西的分辨率很渣,因为卫星测量的是每平方千米地表的平均温度。但是这还是比气象站的精度高13000倍。 And the winner for hottest square kilometer on earth? 那么世界上单位面积最热的地方是哪? Not Furnace Creek-it only clocked in at 62.7C.Not the Scorched Wheat plateau in the Lut Desert of Iran.Despite repeated claims to be the hottest place on earth. 不是火炉溪 那里最高温度才62.7℃,也不是伊朗卢特沙漠中的“烧麦”平原,尽管总有人说那是世界上最热的地方。 However,its close, a nearby portion of the Lut Desert is the winner at 70.7C or 159.3F,Thats one degree hotter than you need for the proteins in an egg yolk to coagulate,that is ,to cook.No need for your toaster oven.breakfast is served. 不过 已经很接近了,卢特沙漠中另一块区域才是胜者 最高温度70.7℃ 159.3F,这只比蛋黄中蛋白质凝固需要的温度高1℃。也就是煎蛋啦。烤炉完全用不上 早餐即刻就好,


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