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发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Londons most romantic things to do 在伦敦可做的最富有诗意的事情 London is a huge, bustling, crowded city - yet thereare a surprising range of things to do for the romantically inclined. 伦敦是一座繁华拥挤的大都市——但这里仍有一些意外的事物可以给你带来诗意的感觉。

Browse the flowers and shops on Columbia Road 在哥伦比亚路观赏鲜花和店铺

Open on Sundays only, the Columbia RoadFlower Market in East London is the perfectspot to test out those daisy and peony bouquets. 仅在周日开放,伦敦东部的哥伦比亚路花市是挑选雏菊和牡丹的理想之地。 Ice-skate at Somerset House (November to early January) 到萨默塞特府滑冰(11月份至1月初)

Spend a lovely winter evening ice-skatingwith your best gal or guy in front of Somerset Houses 18th-century facade.Warm up afterward with mulled wine or hot chocolate at Toms Skate Loungeoverlooking the rink. 选一个美好的冬夜与最好的伴侣到18世纪建成的萨默塞特府前滑冰。之后到汤姆滑冰酒吧间喝杯加香料的热葡萄酒或巧克力热饮热身,边俯瞰溜冰场。 Picnic on Hampstead Heath 到汉普斯特德荒野野餐

Boasting some of the citys finest views,Hampstead Heath—with nearly 800 acres (324 ha) of space to spread yourblanket—is a great spot for a quiet picnic. 这里有伦敦市最值得夸耀的几处风景——将近800英亩的空间供你铺开毯子——这里是您享用宁静野餐的好地方。

Row on Hyde ParksSerpentine 在海德公园的蛇形湖上划船

Share a flute at the Champagne Bar 到香槟酒吧里听长笛乐声

The impressive 322-foot-long (98 m) barfeatures 17 varieties of bubbly by the glass. While youre in the area, take agander at the recently renovated St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel, whichproclaims itself the citys most romantic building. 这个给人印象深刻的酒吧长322英尺,有17种香槟酒。在此,你可顺便看看最近翻修的伦敦圣潘克拉斯万丽酒店,该酒店自称是伦敦市“最浪漫的建筑” Trot through Hyde Park 骑马闲荡于海德公园

Take the reins and lope through Hyde Park, including the famous Rotten Row bridle path.Hyde Park Stables offers year-round horseback riding. 握住缰绳,骑马闲荡于海德公园,当然也会经过那条著名的国王路跑马道。海德公园全年提供骑马服务。 Sample chocolate for two 情侣巧克力

With the chocolate-lover lover in yourlife, stop at the flagship store of William Curley in Belgraviaand partake of all the sweet trimmings your heart could desire. 带着你同样也喜爱巧克力的情侣到贝尔格莱维亚区的威廉克利旗舰店吃光所有你想吃的甜点,连碎屑也不剩下。 Walk in Little Venice 漫步于小威尼斯

Colourful houseboats moored on the charmingand tranquil waterways make the area a delight to stroll. Best spots are Blomfield Road andBrownings Pool. 五颜六色的游艇停泊在迷人安静的水道上,让这里成为漫步的好地方。最佳去处是布洛姆菲尔德路(Blomfield Road)朗宁池(Brownings Pool)。


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