Law would ban relatives of the accused from testifying against them 法律将禁止被告家属作不利人证。 A new law in Afghanistan could allow men to abuse their wives, children and sisters and not face criminal prosecution by banning the relatives of an accused person from testifying against them. 阿富汗新出台的一项法律将允许男人虐待他们的妻子、子女和姐妹,而免受面临刑事指控,因为此法将禁止被告的家属指证他们。 If passed, the bill would make it much more difficult for victims to bring cases of abuse to court which often happen as they most often occur within the confines of the family home, The Guardian has reported. 《卫报》报道称,若该法案通过,将使受虐案件的诉讼难度大增,因为它们多发生在全家居住的房屋内。 The small change to a section of the criminal code Prohibition of Questioning an Individual as a Witness would also prevent doctors, children and defence lawyers from testifying in a case. 这个微小的变更涉及到刑法中“禁止审问作为证人的个人”的部分,还将使医生、儿童和辩护律师无法在案件中作证。
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