Is this the worlds most gruesome foodmarket? Dogs, rats, bats and monkeys among the animals roasted WHOLE inIndonesia 这是世界上最可怕的菜市场吗?在印尼,狗,老鼠,蝙蝠,猴子等等,被整只的拿去烤 These are the shocking images of a gruesomefood market where dogs are strangled by rope for food and customers canpurchase whole flame-roasted animals. 这些惊悚的照片,在这个市场里,狗被勒死,整只的拿去烤,客人可以随意购买。 The Tomohon Traditional market in NorthSulawesi, Indonesia sells whole monkeys, bats, cats, dogs, pigs, rats, slothsand even giant pythons laid out on tables with painful expressions still etchedon their faces. 印尼北苏维拉西岛的托莫洪集市销售整只的猴子,蝙蝠,猫,狗,猪,老鼠,树籁,甚至还有巨蟒,排列在桌子上,他们脸上痛苦的表情依稀还能看到。
The macabre food stalls were witnessed byOman-based photographer and blogger, Raymond Walsh, 44, who said it was easierto witness the dead and mutilated animals than it was to see the living dogs incages awaiting their fate. 这些惊悚的照片由现年44岁的阿曼摄影师兼博客作家Raymond Walsh拍下,他描述说在这里看到死亡和残废的动物要比看到笼子里等待死亡的活生生的狗更好受些。 Mr Walsh said: It was typical of a lot oflocal markets in the developing world - lots of fruit, vegetables and fish. Theonly difference was the sheer number of dead animals for sale. 他说:“在发展中国家,许多当地市场都具有这样的特点——许多食物,蔬菜和鱼。唯一的不同点在于出售的动物尸体有多少。” On his blog, hedescribes the harrowing sight of dogs in cages with their dead counterpartslying on a table nearby. 在他的www.manonthelam.com博客中,他形容了令人痛心的一幕:一些活生生的狗被关在笼子里,而另外一些狗尸体就放在旁边的桌子上。 It was easier to stomach the entrails ofmonkeys, rats on a stick and decapitated pigs than it was to see those livedogs awaiting their fate, he said. “有猴子的内脏,一串串的老鼠肉,以及被斩首的猪,吃这些食物要比看那些在笼子里等待死亡的狗让人更好受些,”他说。 The other animals seem foreign but I havefriends who have dogs. “看到其他动物被这样子弄还好,但是我有些朋友有养狗。” Although the markets dead dogs may bedifficult for westerners to look at, Mr Walsh points to the different culturesand attitudes towards the animals in South East Asia. 尽管市场中的死狗可能让西方人不忍直视,但是他也指出了东南亚地区对动物的不同文化和态度。 Put simply, Westerners see dogs solely aspets. Indonesians see them as both pets and as sources of meat - its just howwere raised, he said. “简而言之,西方人只把狗当成宠物。而印尼人把狗当成宠物和食物——这就是不同的文化在起作用,”他说。
In the photographs, many of the animals arestiff and completely black with a haunting pained expressions on their faces. 在这些照片中,许多被烤后的动物都是僵硬和黑乎乎的,其脸上痛苦的表情令人难忘。 After they are killed the animals areroasted over a fire, so the fur burns off, the skin tightens and peels back,causing that screaming look, Mr Walsh explained. “被杀死后,这些动物就被烤掉,皮毛被烧,皮肤变紧和翻转,所以看起来才那么痛苦,”他说。 How they are killed depends on the animal.Cats, monkeys, and sloths are shot. Bats and rats have their heads clobberedagainst a tree or table. Pigs are stabbed with a sharp piece of wood or metal,he added. “不同的动物有不同的杀法。猫、猴子以及树籁被射死。蝙蝠和老鼠用树或者桌子撞死。猪则用尖锐的木头或者铁器刺死,”他说。 Wild boars are killed as they as they aretrapped. Snakes are slashed with a knife or have their heads cut off. Dogs arestrangled with a rope, Mr Walsh went on. “野猪落入陷阱后就被杀死。蛇则用刀划死或者把头砍掉。狗则用绳子勒死,”他说。
When asked to describe the smell, Mr Walshsaid: In a word, appalling. Theres something about the air that changes whentheres that much death around. 当被问到其味道如何时,他说:“一句话,叫人可怕。那么多的动物尸体在那里,周围空气都变了似的。”
It hangs heavy and it made me queasy andlight-headed at the same time... Its the first time Id ever encounteredanything like it, he added. “过程相当慢且无聊,让我呕吐和头晕。。。这是我第一次看到这样的场景,”他说。
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