《吸血鬼日记》第二季已经结局,不知道大家都消化了第二季结局了吗?Jenna阿姨的死...第二季最后Wicki和Anna的出现...以及让人揪心的Stefan...还有Elena和Damon那一吻....一切的一切是不是让你对《吸血鬼日记》第三季充满了期待呢?《吸血鬼日记》制片人Kevin Williamson就给我们带来了最新的第三季展望。
How do you feel about the season finale?
Kevin Williamson: I was excited that we got to bring a few of the storylines to a close, so not everything was left as a cliffhanger, while also introducing some new threads for next year. Next season there are several places we can pick up, we don’t have to start right where we left off this time.
Kevin Williamson:我很高兴在第二季结局中我们结束了某些故事,之前的谜题有的已经被解开,同时在第二季结局中还为下一季剧情做了铺垫。下一季内容的开展点选择很多,我们不一定会从第二季中结束的地方开始讲起。
Do you like that fans are still scratching their heads over the Vicki-Jeremy-Anna cliffhanger?
Kevin: [laughs] Oh, yes. I’m very excited about that storyline in particular. Right now I hope fans see it as a big question mark, because it should be.
Does it open the door for more people to return, like Jenna?
Kevin: I guess, but we’re not planning anything like that. There still needs to be a consequence to death, even in this storyline we’ve created with Jeremy. It will abide by a set of rules.
Julie Plec previously called next year, the "Season of the Originals" -- talk to me a bit about where that\'s going to take us.
Julie Plec(《吸血鬼日记》的另外一位制片人)早前说下一季将会是“原始吸血鬼之季”——能透露这是什么意思吗?
Kevin: Elijah explained how Klaus came about being a few episodes back. So we’re going to build from that mythology, but as you saw from the coffins, there are a lot of originals there. And we have a huge twist already planned for the first episode with them that explains why Klaus was so interested in Stefan. There’s another element to Klaus and what he’s about that you don’t know yet.
Suffice it to say, those coffins won\'t stay closed for long.
Kevin: It\'s one of the big things that’s going to happen next year – this family of originals. We’re going to find out who they are, what they’re about, how The Salvatore’s are intertwined with them – Klaus took Stefan for a reason. There’s a big story here. There’s a whole third season of plot we get to mine through these fascinating characters.