The English-American actress, considered one of the great actresses of Hollywood\'s golden age, was born in London on 27 February 1932.
The Dame, married eight times, was last month treated in hospital in Los Angeles for congestive heart failure.
Dame Elizabeth had heart surgery in 2009 to replace a leaky valve and has a long history of health problems.
The actress won two Oscars in the 1960s, for her roles in Who\'s Afraid of Virginia Woolf and Butterfield 8.
她曾在上世纪60年代两次获得奥斯卡奖,一次是凭借电影《灵欲春宵》(Who\'s Afraid of Virginia Woolf),一次是电影《青楼艳妓》(Butterfield 8)。
But she was also well known for a colourful personal life that included two tempestuous marriages to Welsh film star Richard Burton.
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