《X战警:逆转未来》插曲 Time in a Bottle-查字典英语网
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《X战警:逆转未来》插曲 Time in a Bottle

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

时光滴答滴答走的当中,梦也一场一场的来到,最后总觉得一些遗憾在,如果时间再多一点的话,或者时间能走慢一点的话,可能有些梦还来得及遂愿,但是,就像我写的歌,我正在写《匆匆》这首歌的时候,它是我第二首作品,这个歌里面的时间是一个箭头一直往前走,那不是说我们虚掷光阴,是光阴把我们抛得远远的,但是我们一直在唱Jim Croce的一首歌,叫做《Time in a Bottle》。我才知道,原来也有人希望时间是可以锁在瓶子里的,可以把一些还没有达到的愿望或者可以把它暂时锁在一个地方。 _______________胡德夫——《时光》(来源:《一席》)

If I could save time in a bottle   如果我可以把时光保存在瓶子里   The first thing that I like to do   我想做的第一件事   Is to save everyday till eternity passes away   就是保存每一天,直到永恒消逝   Just to spend them with you   然后与你一同分享   If I could make days last forever   如果我可以使时光停驻   If words could make wishes come true   如果言语可以使梦想成真   Id save everyday like a treasure   我会把每天像宝藏一样保存下来   And then again I would spend them with you   然后,再次与你分享   But there never seem to be enough time   但是,时间似乎永远不够   to do the things you want to do   让你去做你想做的事   Once youve found them   一旦你已察觉   Ive looked around enough to know   四处寻觅,我已明了   That youre the one I want to go through the time with   你就是我想要一起共度时光的人   If I had a box   如果我有一个盒子   just for wishes and dreams that had never come true   收集了未曾实现的愿望和梦想   The box would be empty   盒子里面可能是空的   Except for the memory of how they were answered by you   除了你有所响应的回忆以外   But there never seem to be enough time   但是,时间似乎永远不够   to do the things you want to do   让你去做你想做的事   Once youve found them   一旦你已察觉   Ive looked around enough to know   四处寻觅,我已明了   That youre the one I want to go through the time with   你就是我想要一起共度时光的人


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