《如晴天似雨天》只缘感君一回顾 使我思君朝与暮-查字典英语网
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《如晴天似雨天》只缘感君一回顾 使我思君朝与暮

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

电影《如晴天,似雨天》是由Monterey Media Inc.(美国)发行,由弗兰克·威利执导,莉顿·梅斯特和朱利安·夏特金(Julian Shatkin)主演的文艺片。电影于2015年3月13日在美国上映。


恋爱如晴天似雨天,一个天才暖男美少年的初恋,绯闻女孩女主领衔主演年下恋 音乐:billy gilman的spend another night

Billy Gilman - Spend Another Night

I instantly knew when I saw you

You and I would be forever

Hearts never apart, true from the start

To each other and together

Theres nothing we cant do

And until the end of time

If you tell me youll be mine

Im never gonna spend another night

Without you in my dreams

For the rest of my life

Im gonna reach out to you honestly and try

To give you what you need

With all of my mind

Cuz nothing has ever felt so real and so right

So Im never gonna spend another night

Without you in my dreams

Is you I saw in my heart

Even alone in the dark

I can feel the light of our love shining

We are so meant to be

That were definately

Destiny and theres no denying

That I love you

Though its so cliche

Theres nothing else to say but...

Im never gonna spend another night

Without you in my dreams

For the rest of my life

Im gonna reach out to you honestly and try

To give you what you need

With all of my mind

Cuz nothing has ever felt so real and so right

So Im never gonna never gonna

Never gonna spend another night

Without you in my dreams

Im never gonna spend another night


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