影视资讯:贝克汉姆至死不渝 只爱辣妹一个-查字典英语网
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影视资讯:贝克汉姆至死不渝 只爱辣妹一个

发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Soccer star David Beckham has blasted(blast v. 爆炸,猛烈批评) reports linking him to a Hungarian model, and proclaimed his undying love (undying love 至死不渝的爱情)for his wife Victoria.

The superstar couple has been subjected(subject v. 蒙受) to a barrage of (a barrage of 接二连三的)rumours surrounding the state of their marriage as their ten-year wedding anniversary approaches in July.

One report alleged the sports ace(sport ace 运动健将) had enjoyed a candlelit dinner with model Mariann Fogarasy after he was photographed with her following a game in Budapest.

But Beckham is adamant(adamant a. 坚硬的)he hasn\'t been with any other women - because he is still besotted(besot v. 迷醉)with his former Spice Girl wife.

He says, "I have no desire for other women. I only love Victoria. Ninety per cent of what is written about us is invented. The last one was this story about the Hungarian model. I have never been out to dinner with this young lady.

"If I took the time to deny every story, I wouldn\'t have time to be a footballer."

球星大卫·贝克汉姆严词否认了关于他同匈牙利模特之间的绯闻,并强调他对妻子维多利亚的爱至死不渝。这对巨星夫妻即将在今年七月份迎来两人的十周年锡婚纪念日,却在此时蒙受了接二连三的不合传闻。有报道称这位运动健将在布达佩斯的球赛之后与名模Mariann Fogarasy合影,继而两人共享了烛光晚餐。然而小贝坚称自己从未出轨,因为他依旧为自己的辣妹老婆而着迷。他说:“我从没想过别的什么女人。我只爱维多利亚。外界的报道有90%都是捏造出来的。比方最近这个关于匈牙利模特的传闻,我从没和这位年轻女士吃过饭。如果要花心思回应每一个传言的话,那我就不用踢球了。”


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