Nerium oleander
This fast growing evergreen shrub can reach up to 20 ft (6.1 m) tall but is usually seen trimmed at 6-10 ft (1.8-3.1 m). It forms a rounded mound to about 10 ft (3.1 m) wide. It is a tough, versatile plant with showy summertime flowers in white, red, pink, salmon and light yellow. Leathery, lance shaped leaves range from about 4-10 in (10.2-25.4 cm) long, depending on variety and are a bright green. Oleanders have a tendency to become leggy - overgrown individuals should be pruned as needed to maintain a nice shape. A popular variety is 'Petit Salmon' which is a dwarf that grows to only 4 ft (1.2 m).
Nerium oleander is native to northern Africa, the eastern Mediterranean basin and southeast Asia. Oleander prefers dry, warm climates and may naturalize in such areas.
Light: Bright sun, some shade is acceptable.
Moisture: Versatile, can survive both dry and wet soils. Fastest growth occurs when provided moisture in times of drought.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 8-10. Easily grown in warm humid climates, like Florida and the Gulf coast, oleander is recommended for USDA Zones 8-10. It will survive some frost and temperatures to 15-20F (-9.4 - -6.7C) but foliage will be damaged. Some varieties are hardier than others.
Propagation: Semiripe cuttings are best rooted in summer. Also by seed, but selected cultivars may not grow true to form.
Pests: Aphids and scale may be a problem (more likely in humid climates). Also attacked by a caterpillar that will strip a plant in a matter of days.
The oleander is a tough durable shrub that is inexpensive and easy to grow in most situations. Abundant, beautiful flowers are produced in many colors and some varieties are delightfully fragrant. New homeowners appreciate oleander's satisfyingly fast growth rate and ability to quickly green up a bare lot.
学名:Nerium indicum
原产印度及伊朗。我国引种已久,各地都有栽培。 常绿灌木或小乔木。吉革质,狭长,3片轮生,也有4片及2片对生的,叶面光亮,侧脉羽状平行而密生,边缘反卷。聚伞花序顶生,花冠红色或白色,花单瓣或重瓣,有香气。
栽培中常见变种有:白花夹竹桃var.leucanthum,花纯白色。重瓣夹竹桃var.plenum,花红色,重瓣。 同属植物常见栽培观赏的还有欧洲夹竹桃N.oleander,花簇生枝顶,桃红色,产地中海地区。 夹竹桃碧叶青青如柳似竹,团团红花灼灼似桃,自夏至秋,次第开放,适于公园、绿地、路旁、草坪边缘、交通绿岛上群植,能给少花的夏日披上“桃红柳绿”的春装,映染出万紫千红的景观;还宜在工矿区作抗污树种;盆栽观赏亦甚相宜,花色艳丽,
相传很久以前,阿尔及利亚王国边地都种着圣洁的夹竹桃。一到夏秋相交之际,它便开满 了洁白如雪的花朵。美丽的阿德令儿公主喜欢上了自己的家臣。国王听说后,十分恼怒,将 家臣投入了茫茫大海。伤心欲绝的公主在夹竹桃下自杀,她冰冷的鲜血渗入了黑暗的大地…来年,人们惊奇地发现漫山遍野的夹竹桃都开出了粉红的花朵儿,如同阿德令儿的脸蛋儿一样美,仿佛就是她生命的化身。但它却隐含着致命的毒,也许那是公主对世间无尽的怨恨吧!
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