Men who carry their mobile phone in a trouser pocket or talk on it for just an hour a day risk suffering with fertility problems, scientists warn. 近日,科学家警告称,习惯将手机放在裤子口袋中的男性,或每天打电话时间超过一小时的男性都面临着不育的风险。 The quality of sperm among men in Western countries is steadily decreasing, and is considered the factor in 40 per cent of cases in which couples have difficulty conceiving a child. Heat and electromagnetic activity which emanate from a mobile phone are thought to be cook sperm, causing them to die. 西方国家男性精子的质量呈逐年下降的趋势,人们认为这是导致40%的夫妻无法生育的罪魁祸首。手机发出的热量和电磁波会给精子“升温”,导致其死亡。
Israeli scientists monitored 106 men attending a fertility clinic for a year. The study revealed that men who chatted on the phone for more than an hour daily were twice as likely to have low sperm quality as those who spoke for less than an hour, while those who talked on the phone as it charged were almost twice as likely to suffer problems. 以色列的科学家曾在一年内对106位到一家生殖诊所就诊的男性进行跟踪调查。该调查结果显示,每天打电话时间超过1小时的男性的精子质量低下的概率是无此习惯的男性的两倍。而充电时打电话的男性患上不育症的几率是其他男性的两倍。 It also found that 47 per cent of men who kept their phones within 20 inches of their groin had sperm levels that were seriously affected, compared with just 11 per cent of the general population. 研究还发现,手机距阴部距离不足20英尺的男性中,47%的人的精子质量会受到严重影响,其他人这一几率仅为11%, The findings, published in Reproductive BioMedicine, support a long-feared link between dropping male fertility rates and the prevalence of mobile phones. 这一研究成果发表在Reproductive BioMedicine上,为长久以来对生育率下降和手机大规模使用间的联系的担忧提供了现实依据。 Professor Martha Dirnfeld, of the Technion University in Haifa, which carried out the study, said: The sperm levels were down to a number that would make conception difficult. If you are trying for a baby and it doesnt happen within a year you might want to think of whether it could be your mobile phone habit that is to blame. 以色列理工大学的Martha Dirnfeld教授参与了研究,他说:“精子数量将下降到令女性难以受孕的水平。如果你想要个孩子但一年内却没有任何动静,那么就该想想是不是自己使用手机的习惯出现了问题。” The study concludes that men planning to conceive should turn off their devices while charging, or keep it at least 20 inches from the groin. 此项研究得出结论称,打算生育儿女的男性应该在充电时关掉手机,把手机放在离阴部20英寸之外的地方。
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