A young dolphin has died of suspected dehydration after being paraded around like a trophy and stroked by a crowd of sunbathers who then abandoned it on the sand. 阿根廷日前发生一起悲剧,一条小海豚在被当地游客像举奖杯一样巡游展示并抚摸之后,疑似因脱水死亡。之后还被游客直接丢弃在沙滩! The group of people huddled around the mammal taking selfies after it was found on the Argentine beach resort of Santa Teresita in the north-eastern Buenos Aires Province. 事发地点是在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省东北部的圣特雷西塔海滨度假胜地。当有人发现一条小海豚后,众人便纷纷上前簇拥与它合影。 The La Plata dolphin - also known as the Franciscana dolphin can live to be twenty years old. 这条小海豚是拉普拉塔海豚海豚 ,也被称为Franciscana海豚,一般能活到20岁。 The last tragic images show the body, abandoned on the sand, as people continue to take pictures. 最后的几张照片上是那条小海豚的尸体,就这样被遗弃在沙滩上,而还有人陆续上前合照。
The episode has caused the Wildlife Foundation in Argentina to emit a public reminder about the vulnerable species, which only present off the coast of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. 这一事件引发了阿根廷野生动物基金会的关注。该基金会对公众发出警告称,这一物种只出现在阿根廷、乌拉圭和巴西海岸,是容易受到伤害的物种,请公众自觉保护。 The Franciscana, like other species, cannot remain for much time outside of the water, it has thick fatty skin which gives it heat and means that taking it out of the water rapidly causes it to dehydrate and die, they said. 该基金会表示:“Franciscana海豚,和其他海豚物种一样,不能长时间的脱离海水,它的皮肤上有一层厚厚的脂肪以提供热量,因此一旦脱离海水,它就会迅速脱水死亡”。 This occasion serves to inform the public about the urgent necessity to return these dolphins to the sea as soon as possible if they find them on the shore. It is fundamental that people help to rescue these animals, because every Franciscana counts now, they finished. 阿根廷野生动物基金会最后说道:“这次的事件提醒我们,如果在岸上发现这种海豚,请尽快将他们送回大海。我们帮助营救这些动物是最基本的要求,因为这些Franciscana海豚目前已经屈指可数了。” However, the Franciscana is of particular conservation concern because of its restricted distribution and vulnerability to incidental capture in fishing gear. There are only around 30,000 examples thought to be left in the world. Franciscana海豚因其局限性的地域分布及偶然捕获的脆弱性,是需要特别保护和关注的品种,目前全世界仅剩将近3万条。
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