来源:The Mirror 编辑:Vicki
Jackson toxicology results due out
A Los Angeles coroner(验尸官)'s official has said toxicology reports that may determine the cause of Michael Jackson's death could be completed this week.
Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said that some results from tests to determine what substances Jackson had in his body when he died are in.
The remaining results are expected at the end of this week or early next week.
Mr Winter said his office would announce when all the tests are done, then publicly release the results the next day.
King of Pop Jackson died on June 25, and authorities are investigating claims the pop star consumed large amounts of prescription medications.
The powerful sedative Diprivan, normally only administered in hospitals, was among items found in his home.
Keke View:香港“文汇报“消息,警方日前在杰克逊家中搜到了强力麻醉药丙泊酚,目前也锁定了曾为杰克逊服务的五位医生,以期查到究竟是谁给杰克逊开了强力处方药。不过,警方的调查很可能无功而返,因为在洛杉矶给演艺圈明星看病的医生们大多用化名,而且他们的病人开药记录表也经常不翼而飞,要想追查到真相的确很难。
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