Director Stephen Chows fantasy comedy movie Mermaid grossed 2.45 billion Yuan ($375.6 million) by Friday evening, making history as the highest-grossing film ever in Chinese box office history. 截止至上周五傍晚,周星驰导演的奇幻喜剧电影《美人鱼》票房已达24.5亿人民币(折合3.756亿美元),创下中国电影票房史上最高纪录。 This distinction was previously held by Raman Huis Monster Hunt, which collected 2.439 billion Yuan ($374 million) in over two months last year. The movie had toppled Furious 7s box office record of 2.426 billion Yuan ($372 million). 最高票房纪录在此前由许诚毅执导的《捉妖记》所保持。去年,《捉妖记》在近两个月的时间内收获了24.39亿人民币(折合3.74亿美元)。该电影打破了《速度与激情7》所保持的24.26亿人民币(折合3.72亿美元)的票房纪录。 Mermaids box office feat is far more impressive given that it took only 12 days to rake in 2.45 billion Yuan. Chows comedy film is all but sure to cross the $400 million mark this weekend. 《美人鱼》的高票房尤其令人印象深刻,因为它仅仅用了12天就取得24.5亿人民币的票房。周星驰的这部喜剧电影肯定能在本周末突破4亿美元大关。
Monster Hunts producers did not shy away from conveying their congratulation to Stephen Chow. They wrote on the movies official Weibo account Congratulations Mermaid! Congratulations Stephen! 《捉妖记》的制作人员并未回避表达他们对周星驰的祝贺。他们在电影测官方微博账号上写道:“恭喜《美人鱼》!恭喜周星驰!” U.S. movie buffs will also get to check out the latest Chinese block buster as Sony Pictures is all set to release the movie this weekend in nearly in 33 theaters. 索尼影业将在本周末在近33家影院播放这部电影,美国的观众们也能一睹最新的中国大片。 The other two Chinese films that were released during Chinas Lunar New Years Day holiday The Monkey King 2 and The Man From Macau 3 continue their strong run on the Chinese box office. Although both movies are far behind Mermaid in terms of box office numbers, but have been huge hits in their own rights. Monkey King 2 has reportedly collected $147.6 million, while The Man From Macau 3 earned $145.9 million. 在中国春节假期期间上映的另外两部电影是《西游记之三打白骨精》和《澳门风云3》。这两部影片在春节期间也表现不俗。尽管这两部电影在票房成绩上与《美人鱼》相距甚远,但它们也凭借自身实力造成轰动。《三打白骨精》票房达1.476亿人民币,而《澳门风云3》则赚得1.459亿票房。
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