Zhejiang Television has recently revealed the cast for the 4th season of the Chinese game-variety show Running Man. 浙江卫视近日公布了在中国备受关注的综艺节目《奔跑吧兄弟》第四季的演员阵容。 Cast members for season 3 will all return to this new season, which includes AngelaBaby, Deng Chao, Li Chen, Zheng Kai, Chen He, Wong Cho-lam, as well as pop singer Lu Han. 在第三季的成员将会于新一季全部回归,他们分别是:AngelaBaby、邓超、李晨、郑恺、陈赫、王祖蓝以及流行歌手鹿晗。
Originating from the South Korean SBS series, this Chinese version show was first aired on Oct. 10, 2014, and soon went viral around the country. 这一源自韩国SBS电视台系列节目的中国版栏目,于2014年10月10日第一次播放,不久之后便火遍了全国。 With the most favorite game Rip the nametag off played in each episode, the show will also invite the current hit stars to join to play as guests. 在节目的每一期当中,都会有“撕名牌”这一最受观众喜爱的游戏。此外,该节目还会邀请当红明星作为嘉宾加入游戏。 The first episode of the new season will be recorded in Shao Xing city in east Chinas Zhejiang province, and is scheduled to hit TV screens on April 15. 新一季的第一期节目将会在中国东部浙江省的绍兴市开录,预计将于4月15日登陆电视荧幕。
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