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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  但还是要提醒各位,今年剑桥在交替出新题,如果非要把今年的新题和过去的旧题生硬的扯上关系说没有变题只能是自己欺骗自己(请认真阅读附录里的最新真题)。新签下这么多美国大学,怎样和TOEFL iBT竞争是剑桥必须面对的问题。现在我们正在经历的变题是新题和旧题交替出现,因为剑桥不可能一步到位把所有题库全换掉。但是可以预见的是:今年7-8 月之后,我们必须面对的是更彻底的新题和更新的题型。

  所以我一再跟学生们说:The best time to register for IELTS is now.


  Patrick 4月写作预测题 Forecast for April. 2008

  1 Neil Armstrong, when he first arrived on the moon, said,That is a small step for a man, a giantleap for mankind. But today space research costs a huge amount of money. Some people think the investmentin space research should be spent on helping the poor people. Do you agree?

  2 Of the following ways of long-distance communication, which one is the most important and which one is the least important: emails, letters, telephone, mobile phone

  3 Some people think the appearanceof a building is more important than its function. To what extent do you agree?

  4 Many languages are dying out today due to the widespreaduse of English. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  5 Some people think tourists should follow the behavior. and customs of the local people. To what extent do you agree?

  6 Multi-cultured societies are mixtures of ethnicgroups. To what extent do you think their advantages outweigh their disadvantages?

  7 There are more elderly people in society. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?

  8 Memorization of information by frequent repetitionplays an important role in the educational system. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  9 Some people think the high sales of products reflect the power of advertisements instead of consumer demand. To what extent do you agree?

  10 Environmental problems are too big for individual countries or persons to solve. They should be solved international efforts. To what extent do you agree?



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