比如3月7号考 Music的意义。去年3月1号考的题目是在English,Math,Arts,Music,Economics等Subjects当中哪两门对学生最重要,哪一门最不重要?我当时the least important的科目选择的就是Music,你会发现要论证Music为什么不重要的话就跟这次3月7号的题目的内容很接近了。
入选理由: 首先政府类话题是2008年出现频率最高的话题类型。其次该类话题也有一段时间没考了,根据话题轮换原则应该又要轮到一次。最后根据2008年同期的命题情况也会发现考完教育类话题之后往往紧随其后的就是政府类话题。
推荐练习真题: 考试大
As the number of cars increase, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think the users should cover the costs. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your own opinion.
二级预测: 科技类加入收藏
入选理由: Simply because也有一段时间没考科技类话题了,有时间的话也准备一下吧!
Computers enable people to be able to work at home and children to study at home. Some people believe that it is convenient and cost-saving. Do you think the phenomenon positive or negative?
三级预测: 青少年教育类
入选理由: 虽然上次刚刚考过,但历史上还是偶尔会出现连续几次考同一类话题的情况的,所以说不定还是会再出现一次教育类话题。你说概率有多高?嗯......基本上跟本周申花队亚冠客场战胜鹿岛鹿角队的概率差不多吧:-) Who knows! Strange things happen in football...... and sometimes in IELTS as well......
Today, it is difficult for people who come from rural areas to receive university education. Some people propose that universities should make it easier for these students to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
图表作文重点关注: Table题
下一篇: 2009年4月4日雅思口语最新预测