一级预测: 意识形态类
入选理由: 最近几次雅思考试作文部分几乎把主流的几种话题类型都考了个遍。4月4号是社会现象类,3月21号是政府决策类(政府应更多投资疾病预防还是疾病治疗),3月14号教育类。因此以上这几类最近刚考过的话题这次出现的机率都不是太大,相对而言抽象类话题粉墨登场的可能性就比较大了,请各位烤鸭重点关注。
Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success, other people argue that happiness depends on completely on other factors. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion.
入选理由: 很久未露面的话题。今年最近一次考到还是2月12号,请适度关注。
Earlier technological development brought more benefits and changed the life of ordinary people more deeply than recent ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
入选理由: 该类话题今年每个月都有出现一次,因此4月份估计也可能会考一次。我估计如果不是这次就是4月25号那次。
Some people say the best way to solve the environmental problem is to raise the price of fuel, to what extent do you agree or disagree?
上一篇: 2009年4-6月雅思写作预测
下一篇: 2009年4月雅思写作权威预测