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气候与经济的关系 短信和电视节目 英国建筑 恐龙足迹 茶叶与工业革命 南极洲与全球气候 澳洲新能源开发 物种起源和大陆形成 欧洲交通 记忆力与年龄 艺术品和博物馆 蝴蝶的保护色 语言对商业的作用 天体形成 蜥蜴机器人 松树 体育赛事与兴奋 动物行为心理学 气候对动物影响 涂鸦 研究鹦鹉说话 左右手成因 语言的起源 博物馆商业化运营模式 家长参与教育 天赋与练习 噪音的影响 人类与机器人 美国手语 保护物种 嗅觉帮助记忆 语言的消失 脚踏水泵灌溉 传统管理与新型管理 两种睡眠模式比较 The Sweet Scent of Success 过山车 儿童文学 飞机与环境 The conquest of Malaria in Italy 失败带来创新 生物习性 animation film 人脸识别 森林破坏和猩猩生存 计算机 音乐对人的治疗作用 加州森林防火 指纹识名画 公司革新 澳大利亚羊毛产业 叶子变色 关于预言家的文章 桥梁诊断 对语言发展的态度 市场信息数据管理Market and Information age 学习历史的意义 鸟类的智慧 潮汐能 非洲部落发展 涂鸦与性格doodle 天才教育bright star
Task 1 流程图 地图 表格
Task 2
1.Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2.Nowadays it is difficult for university graduates to find a job. Analyze the personal and social reasons and offer some solutions.
3.Now because of the improved technology communication and transport,people can choose anywhere to live or work. Do you think it is good? Do its advantages outweigh the disadvantage?
4.Writes an essay, considering and assessing arguments for and against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.
5.It is generally acknowledged that the relationship among family members is now not as close as it used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.
6.Some people hold that it is the television that makes the relationship of family members not as close as before. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7.Traffic jam is a problem in big cities. What causes the problem? Make some suggestions.
8.Some people hold that the development of modern technology leads to environmental pollution and energy shortage. Do you agree or disagree?
9.When we seek a future career, what factors should we consider? Whose suggestions should we consider?
10.Some people hold that technological progress in the last 100 years has brought negative effects upon society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
下一篇: 2012年7月7日雅思全面预测