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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Part 1 话题预测

  1. Major/ Work/Future plan

  2. Study/subject/primary school

  3. Wedding

  4. Toys

  5. Color

  6. Diet change/food/cook

  7. Hometown/city change

  8. Flat / house / room

  9. Clothes / Fashion/Internet shopping

  10. Flowers

  11. Name

  12. Birthday/gift

  13. Public transport/drive cars

  14. Sports/Walking

  15. Family/relatives

  16. Painting/drawing

  17. Evening

  18. Computers

  19. Photography

  20. Friends

  21. English learning

  22. TV program

  23. Childhood/past memory

  24. On time/ Lateness

  25. Holidays/relaxation

  26. Weather

  27. Travel

  28. Songs

  Part 2 话题预测


  1. a family member in the past who lived an interesting life 过世的有趣家庭成员

  2. the couple who you know have a sweet marriage 幸福婚姻

  3. a musician or group that is popular in your country 贵国的知名音乐家或乐队

  4. a famous person in your country/city 名人

  5. a child you ever interacted with 一个你认识的孩子

  6. a character in a TV program/film 电影、电视角色

  7. an interesting old person 一个有趣的老人

  8. the happiest person you know 你知道的最快乐的人

  9. a friend you havent been in contact for a long time 一个很久不见的朋友

  10. a person who helped you 一个帮助过你的人


  1. a place with natural beauty 一个自然美景地点

  2. a lake or a river or a sea which youve visited 你去过的湖泊、河流或大海

  3. a club/team/group you belonged to 你参加过的团队/俱乐部

  4. an important building/mountain/monument in your country 国家重要的建筑或山

  5. an important city in China 一个中国重要的城市

  6. a street in your hometown/town/village 你家乡的街道


  1. a present you gave to a person 你給别人的礼物

  2. a book you would recommend to people 你要介绍給别人的书

  3. a work of art 一个艺术品

  4. a vehicle you want to buy 你要买的交通工具

  5. an electronic item 一个电子产品

  6. a toy you had in your childhood 童年的玩具

  7. a science subject in secondary school or high school 一门中学期间的理科学科

  8. a thing you want to buy if you have lots of money 有钱后要买的东西

  9. an TV program you often watch 常看的电视节目

  10. old family photo/an interesting photo 老家庭照片/有趣的照片

  11. advertisement 广告

  12. an item of clothing or jewelry you wear in a special occasion 特殊场合衣服或珠宝


  1. a sport event/competition 一个体育事件/比赛

  2. a piece of family news which makes you feel happy 让你快乐的家庭资讯

  3. enjoyable activity you do with people 参加的团队活动

  4. an unforgettable/happy event in your childhood 童年趣事/难忘的事情

  5. a difficult thing you did well 一件搞定的难事

  6. a situation you got close to a wild animal/a wild animal you like 接近野生动物的场景/你喜欢的野生动物

  7. an unforgettable birthday party 难忘的生日

  8. first day of school/course/work 学校/课程/工作的第一天

  9. one thing made you laugh 让你大笑的一件事

  10. an ideal job 理想的工作

  11. weather/season you like 喜欢的天气或季节

  12. a trip you had in your childhood 童年的旅行

  13. an occasion when you were polite 一个需要礼貌的场合

  14. favorite way of communication 喜欢地交流方式

  15. a popular physical exercise 一种流行的身体锻炼方式

  16. an important historical event 一个重要历史事件

  17. what would you like to do if you have a free day 空闲的一天

  18. an exciting experience 一件令人激动的事情

  19. a wedding you took part in 你参加的婚礼

  20. a time you receive help or support from others/something kind other people did for you 一次接受别人帮助的时候/一次别人为你做的好事

  21. favorite time in a day 一天中最享受的时光



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