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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

.h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify }



  1. Higher education can be funded by several ways such as the following:1. All costs paid by the government; 2. All costs paid by the students;3. All costs paid by the government loan which students have to pay back after graduation. Please discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of all these three theories above and decide which the best is.

  2. Schools are no longer necessary, because children can get so much information available through Internet, and they can study just as well at home. What extent do you agree or disagree?

  3. Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both and give your opinion

  4. Some people think that school should put students in different classes according to their academic ability, while some others believe that students of different abilities should be educated together. Please discuss both views and then present your own opinion.

  5. It is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction, shopping or even office works, without meeting people face to face. What are the effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?

  6. Someone believes that modern telecommunication devices have many benefits to human, while others think otherwise. What is your opinion?

  7. With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, less people tend to write letters. Some people even think the skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think letter writing is?

  8. The range and quality of the food have been improved by the advancement of science and technology. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages about this and present your view.

  9. The long-distance flight consumes the fuel more than a car consumes in several years time, and causes the same amount of pollution as cars. So some people think we should abandon the non-essential fights , and it is more efficient than restricting the car use. Give your opinions about it

  10. Some believes that cultural traditions will be destroyed by the money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others think it is the only way to save these cultural traditions. Discuss both views and show your own opinion.

  11. Several languages are dying out every year. Some people do not think it is important and say that our life will be simpler with fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

  12. In many countries,the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend make positive or negative effects to society?



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